Chapter 8 - Promise

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"Okay, McGee... What's this all about?" Abby asked the next day in her lab.

"Ever since Carter has been here, I have been noticing similarities between her and Tony. Almost everything about them. They even look alike. Well, I found out last night that Carter is adopted. From Ohio. Tony is from Ohio... Abby, I think they are siblings." Tim explained frantically.

"Calm down, McGee! You are way to excited about this... So, what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to help me figure out if I'm right. I'll figure out a way to get a DNA sample from them both and then I'll get back with you." Tim hurried out of the lab and to the elevator. He stood in front of the doors tapping his foot.


The elevator doors slid open, revealing Carter. "Oh, hello, Tim! Gibbs just sent me down to get you."

"Ah. Well I'm on my way up." Tim was wide-eyed. He was glad she hadn't come down any sooner or she may have overheard his and Abby's conversation. Stepping into the elevator he gave Carter a smile. She smiled back as they rode up in silence.


The doors slid open once again, but this time into the squad room. As soon as they reached the bull pen, Gibbs stood up, "Grab your gear. We've got a missing petty officer." The five of them went down to the cars and drove off to the Navy Yard. Once they arrived Gibbs began to give out assignments. "Peterson. DiNozzo. Go talk with the workers around the yard. David. McGee. Go look around and see if you find anything suspicious."

Tim and Ziva went off. As they were looking around the yard for clues, Ziva noticed that Tim was concentrating on something. "Are you alright, Tim?" Ziva asked.

"What...? Uhh... Yeah, I'm fine." Tim shook it off.

"Tim. What is on your mind?"

"Alright, you know how I've been thinking that Tony and Carter are similar? Well... I found out that Carter is adopted. From Ohio. Tony is from Ohio. Ziva do you know what this could mean?"

"You are thinking they are related...?"

"Ziva, I think they are brother and sister." Tim said. Ziva gave him a confused look. Trying to process what she had just heard, she stood up.

"That would be quite interesting to find out... But how will you?"

"Somehow I'm going to get a sample of each of their DNA and bring it to Abby. She will test it for me... Ziva, just promise me you won't tell them."

"I would never." Ziva smiled. The two of them went back to work searching for evidence. That is when Tim found a pool of blood.

"Hey, boss?" Tim called. Gibbs approached as Tim pointed down at the ground, "Think it's his?"

"I don't know. Get a swab of it and bring it to Abby when we get back." Gibbs crouched down and touched the ground to see if it had any other liquids soaked into it.

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