Chapter 20 - Glad You're Here

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"Carter. How do you know her?" Gibbs asked, walking over to Carter and Scarlet.

"She... She was my only friend in school, Gibbs. Really... My only friend before I came here." Carter said, still not believing that this was really happening. She looked around dazed and confused.

"Take her to headquarters. She needs to get away from here. We will run the case, you... Just keep her calm, got it?" Gibbs barked. Carter nodded her head and led Scarlet over to the charger.

"Carter? Are you alright?" Tim asked, running up behind them.

"I'm fine, Tim. I'm taking her back to headquarters to get her away from all of this." Carter explained.

"Who is this?" Tim looked at Scarlet.

"Scarlet Lyle. My only friend from childhood. Her brother..." Carter stopped when she saw Scarlet start to cry again. Carter grabbed Tim's arm and pulled him away from the car. "Her brother is our dead petty officer."

"Carter, I thought you said you didn't have any friends growing up."

"I left out Scarlet. Thinking about her made me hurt. I missed her, Tim. We drifted apart when I joined the marines. Thinking about the friendship I lost was terrible. That's why I didn't bring her up." With that, Carter ran back over to the car and drove off with Scarlet. Leaving Tim standing alone, worried about the two of them.

"Gibbs!" Tim called anxiously.

"What is it, McGee?" Gibbs hollered back.

"...Uhh... Nothing... Never mind..." Tim looked down at his phone. He shoved it back in his pocket and went to work.



The elevator doors slid open in front of Carter and Scarlet. They stepped out into the bright orange room. "Where are we going?" Scarlet asked.

"Conference room... We need some time alone." Carter said, and rushed up the stairs.

"Carter, what's the rush?" Scarlet asked. Carter didn't respond. She just continued towards the conference room. "Carter?" They entered the conference room and Carter shut the door.

"Scarlet." Carter said with a smile on her face. She threw her arms around Scarlet. Tears began to stream down Carter's face.

"Carter? Are you okay?" Scarlet asked. Carter began to cry even more. "Carter!"

"I'm... I'm sorry. It's just... You're the only piece of my childhood I have left... Scarlet, so much has happened recently and you were the only person I wanted. Now you're here. This is like a dream come true... I know you should be the one crying, not me. You have more of a tragedy on your hands, but Scarlet. You're the only one who really knows what I've gone through. I'm just glad you're here." Carter squeezed Scarlet tight.

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