And hold her tight

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Prepare yourselves for this chapter! Yes, read your comments
Fandom-tastic17 , ECisse383 , and Zoolover123! I'm sorry for making you guys react in the last chapter so prepare yourselves for this one!

At BunnyBurrow, the date had ended after Kenny said he had to go somewhere important. He was nice enough to drop her off back at her family's place. At home she was watching her brothers and sisters while they watched TV together.

They were watching Wrangled.

Judy wasn't paying much attention. She was just looking at the time on her phone. 8:47 P.M. She told herself she leave tonight if the date ended early but she decided to change her plans and stay for the night. She kept deciding if she should try calling Nick again. She really wanted to but convinced herself not to or she'll be ruining his evening.

A thought came to her and realized there was someone she needed to call. She dialed the number and let it ring for a good while.


"Everly! Oh how glad to hear you! Are you out right now?"

"Yeah. I just ended my shift at the supermarket."

"Oh. I see. Well could you do me a favor?"

"What's the favor?"

"I heard Nick went out tonight so in case he brought anyone to our place, can you check if he did? I don't want to disturb him if I came tonight."

"He better not have or else I'll disturb him!" She yelled.

Judy giggled a bit at Everly's reaction. She knew about the young bunny's small crush on Nick, her friend Allister told her before. Though no one knows when the crush started or why she likes Nick. Allister believes is the encouraging words Nick gave her but he isn't sure because she still goes on about doing whatever she wants at times.

Few minutes later, Judy's phone rings.

"Hey! Is he there?!"

"No. No one is home."

"What? Does this mean he's still at the bar?"

"At a bar?!

"Or maybe he went somewhere else?"

"Like where?"

"I'm not sure!"

"I think I see a fox coming this way!"


"Nah! It's just Lukas!"

'WHAT YA MEAN JUST LUKAS?!' Yelled out a voice from Everly's side.

"We're trying to look for Nick!"

'Who's we?'

"Me and Judy!"

'So both aren't home? And here I came because I felt like visiting.'

A sound was heard.

'Sorry. That's my phone. Oh hey! It's Nick!'

"Answer it!" Both Judy and Everly said at the same time.

Judy could hear the young black fox mumbling.

It was Finnick, he just told me to come meet him and Nick fast. He just texted me the directions.

"Well then let's go!" Said Everly. "I'll call you back Judy!

"I'll be waiting!"

At the parking lot of outside the bar, Nick was impatiently waiting for Lukas. He was tired of getting weird looks from other animals and showing them his badge.

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