Part 1: Summer of July

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The black rabbit.

It happened years ago when she was young. She didn't know what to say when it happened. She felt really hurt after minutes when she got it into her head after hearing the words, "Your great grandfather passed away today."

She wanted to hold in the tears but she couldn't. She broked down crying. It hurt. It hurt so much.

The rest of the day she spent her time in her room on her bed. Trying to distract herself while visitors came down the hallway. She could hear them chant their prayers. Also sing whenever someone broke down crying.

Many family members talked to her from behind as she tried keeping herself busy. They sang prayers when she burst out in tears.

She tried eating but her body rejected the food each time.

The black rabbit was indeed frightened and sad about the whole thing.

She couldn't bear to see what was in the other room she knew was there.

Present time.

"Everly, buggy burgers or hot bug?" Shouted Tom from downstairs as the black rabbit was in her room looking in her reflection as she put on her jacket.

"Hot Bug!" She shouted back.

Once she felt satisfied the way she looked, she left her room and went downstairs to join the others for lunch.

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