Take Me To The Top

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"My girl?" Nick questioned.

"Yes. Your girl! As in Judy!" Said Jack as he placed his bottle on the counter.

"She's my partner and friend. That's all," said Nick as he looked down.

Jack shook his head in disapproval. This fox is either in denial or clueless if he can't figure out his own feelings, he thought. "Dumb fox," Jack mumbled.

Nick's ears twitched from overhearing what Jack called him. He turned to glare at him. Jack took notice.

"What? Discovered there's a Jack x Judy fan page?" Said Jack.

"A what?!"

"Look it up in your cellphone. I didn't know about it till I saw it on Clawhauser's laptop the other day. He was panicking about it so I took a peek thinking it was about a case but instead it was a page about Judy and I. I asked Clawhauser about it and he told me a girl made it when she saw us together one day."

Nick looked it up in his cellphone. The colors of the page was white with border lines and letters in sky blue and light purple. There were bunny and carrot symbols all over. The font style was bubble. He looked at the bottom seeing the date of the page was made more than a week ago. On the visitors section there was a lot of viewers coming from Bunny Burrows.

There was more to the page. There was a gallery, chatroom, fanfiction section, news, and merchandise. Nick was curious about what kind of merchandise would be sold to this sort of pairing.

The store was selling mugs, t-shirts, hats, magnets, buttons, hoodies, cellphone cases and keychains. They all had a purple and blue bunny head symbol with a red heart between them all over the merchandise.

Nick didn't say anything. He just exited the page. Didn't felt like looking at it anymore. Didn't know how to feel about the page.

"Jack, did you call Everly to come over here?" Nick asked.

"Yes but I was put in voicemail," said Jack disappointed.

"And if she doesn't come?"

Jack's ears went down as he looked away. "I don't know."

Nick saw the hurt look in his eyes. Nick knew he had to tell Jack about the place he learned that Everly might be at. The thing is, he wanted to make sure it was her and not someone else.

"I'm going to go get ready!" Jack said standing up. He left the kitchen and went to his room.

Nick looked at the time in his cellphone seeing it was only 2:32p.m. He decided if Everly didn't show up by 5:00p.m. then he'll tell Jack about the possible place she might be and go there.

Time passed by, many of Judy's and Nick's cop friends came but no black fur bunny.

Every fifteen minutes Jack would try calling her and each time his call went straight to voicemail. Others attempted but ended the same way.

Half of the food was gone due to hungry animals who been waiting too long now.

Nick looked at the time seeing it was now 4:55p.m. He glanced over Jack who staring out the window. He thought, now or never.

Nick walked up to Jack. "Jack, what you say we go get her?"

"Why? So I can just be disappointed when I find her she's not even home."

"I'm not talking about going to her place. Earlier today Finnick, Lukas, and I went around the market to ask if anyone has seen her. A few have said they seen a young black fur rabbit going into a bar with a couple of predators. Want to go see if this rabbit is yours?"

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