Loving Nobody But You

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Everyone stayed quiet for bit. Not knowing what to say.

Allister was speechless. He didn't know the scary looking guy he use to know from back in the day had a hard life.

Finnick felt like he had to now take part especially for making someone remember such thing.

Judy felt determined to solve this case especially now knowing about how Jack had to witness such pain from watching a friend.

Nick was now seeing how serious this case was going to be.

Lucas was literally getting annoyed of how much attention Jack was giving Everly. He knows this case is important but it drives him crazy to see her so happy next to him. Especially now that she's snuggling up in Jack's blazer.

"Well I'm in," says Finnick breaking the silence.

"Same here," says Allister.

"Count me in too," says Lucas even though he felt like he was going to regret it later.

"The plan won't start till later. I need Officer Hopps and Everly healed up first. For now I'll tell you what might happen. Everly is going to show some dislike towards predators. This way is how we're going to lure these preys out." Jack explained.

"So you want use her bait!" Says Lucas.

Jack looks at him angrily. "No! She isn't bait! She's just going to lure them out because her older siblings want her! And in case you didn't know, her older siblings are the inventors of the collars!" Jack eyed him angrily as did Lucas.

Nick rolled his eyes and sighed in disbelief of how immature Lucas can be at times when he's jealous.

"Hey Jack, you drink ice tea? I got some in the kitchen!" Says Nick.

Jack nods his head. "Yes."

Jack follows Nick into the kitchen. As soon as they're in. "The black fox likes my rabbit, right?"

"Your fast!" Says Nick as he takes out a pitcher of ice tea then a glass to pour it in.

Jack takes his glass. "It was too obvious. Only a lovesick fool would try to make another be the bad guy!"

"Pretty much but I think is because this is the first time he's ever taken a liking to anyone."

"Had a hard life?"

"Yeah. His parents were hardly around. His mother left to con animals while his father worked a couple of jobs just to be able to take care of him."

"Sounds tough. Can sort of relate to him."


"My parents rejected me and left me behind during a street fair along with my own siblings. ZPD found me and took me in an orphanage."

"Anyone adopted you?"

"Nah. Stayed there till I graduated Highschool."

"Didn't expect you to be the one with a difficult past."

"Yeah? Well it wasn't all that difficult. When I found Everly, it felt like something went right. Soon I met Kay and then I was taken in as a disciple for a great detective!"

"So there were good points to your life."


Nick then realized something. "Jack, that incident with your friend Kay. When did it happened? Before or after Everly's siblings used the collars!"

"After I believe. Why?"

"Obviously, thoses figures you saw might've been her siblings but where was the place it all happened?"

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