Chapter 4

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A/N: hey I'm back to update and not tell my friend, she can figure out herself. Lol, ENJOY!!


Your POV*

After the interview everything, well, changed. If you don't know what I mean, I mean that some of their fans are bullying me. Saying stuff like "they're just using you for money and attention.", "they don't really care about you!" , "you're worthless compared to them." And etc, etc.
After I looked at their fans commenting those mean things about me in my Facebook and Instagram, I lost it. I locked my door, went to my bathroom, slammed that door (which probably got the others attention) and locked it. I grabbed my blade and slit lines into my arms. This time really deep ones. I fainted after my 15 cut. I hit the floor.

Suga's POV*

I heard the door slam upstairs, I simply ignored it thinking it was the wind shutting someone's bedroom door from having their window open or whatever. after about 15 minutes I heard someone collapse to the floor. I ran up stairs, the boys not noticing my parting, and tried opening Y/N's bedroom door. "Open up!!" No answer. I broke her door down after 3 attempts and her bathroom door was closed, unusual of her. I broke that door down two. I found her bleeding on the floor looking quite pale. I picked her up and carried her down stairs and got the guys and I to rush her to the hospital. She got stitches and a tensor bandage around them. After a few hours, she awoke and we took her home. Why did she hurt herself....?

Your POV*

I don't want to tell them why I did it. Not yet at least. Also, it's been a few days. I haven't eaten. I'm hurting inside.
Y/F/N called me; 37 missed calls.

I called her.
"Hello?" I said with my shaky voice.
"Hey Y/N I heard from kookie that you got stitches and he told me okay?" She asked. She's basically my sister, so I told her and I told her not to tell anyone.

When will this end.....?


A/N: sorry for the short chapter, I couldn't think of anything. I hope you liked it, please vote. :P

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