Chapter 18

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A/N: okay so I'm risking my life to wrote this during French class.

●Your POV●

On Monday I woke up with a massikve headache, feeling sweaty hot and cold. I decided to get up from my bed, I started feeling dizzy. I walked into the lounge looking like crap. "Hey kiddo, you don't look too good are you okay?" Jin asked looking concerned as I hugged him weakly. Jin put his hand on my forehead. "Sweety, I'm putting you to bed because you have a fever" He said as he picked me up. He tucked me in. Jin left and came back with a hot wet cloth and a bowl of chicken and rice soup. As he was feeding me he stated "until you get better you're not getting out of bed and you're not going to school." I nodded as he finished feeding me and put the cloth on my forehead.

●Jin POV●

I finished feeding Y/N. I got up and left. I put my stuff on and went out to get her medicine. When I got home I woke her up to give her medicine. She fell back asleep. I turned off her bedroom light, closed the door softly and left.
After a few hours I decided to make some spaghetti. I woke her up. "Dad whattt~" She asks all tired like.
"Spaghetti is waiting for you on the dinner table" I say to her softly and gently rub her forehead. She gets up and walks to the dinner table.

●Your POV●

I sit at the dinner table and eat my spaghetti. "Hey munchkin how ya feeling" Hoseok asked. "O-okay I guess."
They all stared at me as I was eating and I was fine with it. I held back tears because the pain I felt everytime I swallowed my food.

When I was down all I did was go to bed.

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