Chapter 28

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A/N: no one knows I'm updating today lmao.


Song listened while writing:
Lie - BTS sung by JIMIN


●Your POV●

I woke up in my bed. I stared at the ceiling and then I suddenly got a cramp that hurt like a bitch and started to cry silently.
I needed something to stop this so I walked to the lounge still crying.
"Are you okay?!" Jimin asking looking concerned. I suddenly got mad out of no where. I held my stomach and yelled. "I'm fine!!" He looked shocked and stepped back. Sitting back on the couch. I walk to the kitchen and see the pills to help the pain and I take them.
I got back to my room and faster a while the pain stops. Today all I do was sit In my room.
When It was time for bed I brushed my teeth, had a shower and went to bed.
I fell asleep just as I got comfortable.


I was in darkness. I sat there. I couldn't even see myself. I couldn't see anything. I looked down and just saw darkness. I walked and heard someone yell at me.
I cried uncontrollably.
The man voice yelled louder.
I cried harder.
The harder I cried the louder and closer the yelling got.

I cried as hard I ever did

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

I was stabbed....

I jolt awake and cry. I get up and walk to hobis room and slowly open the door.
I shut the door behind me and shake hobi soflty.

"Oppa...*sniff*" I was still crying. He woke up.
"What's wrong??"
"I had a nightmare..."
He holds me. Layer me down and puts a blanket over us.
"What happened in the nightmare...?"
"I...I got stabbed..."
"AWW baby don't think about it anymore. You're safe with me. I got you."
I curl up. Hoseok hold me. I cry but I simply fall asleep.

The next morning ~

I wake up in hoseoks arms. I look at his cute sleeping face. I kiss his cheek and get up.
From what I know, today is the last day in going to school. I go to my room out on my uniform and get to school.

When I arrive I'm being stared at. Don't know why. But I keep walking.

I saw baekhyun and them. But no chanyeol. I was worried. They all gave me dirty looks. I walked passed them and went on.

I went to get a book out of my locker for math and then someone shut it.

Girl a: the fuck are you doing here slut?

Girl b: yeah a girl like you having sex with xiumin shouldn't be here.

Wow this is nice. I'm being told I'm a slut yet that was my first time ever.

You: I hope you know that, that was my very first time with anyone in my life. And I'm not a slut because I'm not having sex anytime soon.

They looked at me shocked.

Girl c: well don't talk back to us.

I gave them the finger and girl A grabbed my hair and put me on the ground. I was blank and lifeless at that moment. All three girls best me almost to death. I only had one bruise on my face which was my eye. But the rest of my body was bruised.

When they were done with me they got up and walked to class. For a few minutes I lay there lifeless.
But I get up and walk around slowly.

Someone calls for me.

It's Xiumin.

You: what...?

He got up close to me.

Xiumin: I'm sorry what you saw a while ago..

You: that was weeks ago xiumin! I'm getting beat up because of what we did. Not what you did. And it was between me and you and now it's around the whole school. The people I thought were my friends aren't My friends anymore. It's not my fault you're hurt from me leaving. Its yours. You're the one that cheated not me. And I'm the one getting beat up for having my very first time with you?!? I'm being called a slut for having sex the first time in my life. My body hurts xiu. I have cuts and brusies all over me. What more do you want.?!

He stood there in silence..

Xiumin: I want to be with you still...

You: No because I already found someone who cares more about me than you ever will. You took my virginity and then treated that like shit and went and fucked some guy. A male no less. Not that it's a bad thing but really?

He slapped me in the face.

I started at him.

He pushed me to the ground and started kicking me.

He hurt me so much...I went unconscious.


Hope u liked this


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