Q&A for the ZSC Cast And Me! X3

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Hey guys, so this isn't a chapter update (don't worry, that'll come soon), but in celebration of ZSC hitting 1K views, I decided (or @DiamondChatix) to do a little Q&A for the ZSC cast members and little ol' me! :D I might also do an OC Contest, but I need to figure out how to put that character in the book without sounding too forced.... -_- (I would especially like another boy character because Zane seriously needs another guy friend.... XP)

Zane: Why am I involved in this...? -_-

Me: *says this in a happy voice* Because you adore your little sister so much and you are willing to do anything for her.

Zane: ..... -_-

Anyways, you guys can ask me any kind of question EXCEPT for personal questions such as where I live and my age and stuff like that. You can ask like my favorite color or what's on my desk typically, stuff like that. As for the ZSC cast members.... ask away!  *insert evil laugh XP*

Let the questions begin! XD

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