Fiction Awards 2016

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I just heard that the Fiction Awards was happening by timelesslywasted so I thank her greatly for informing her fans about this. Btw, be sure to vote her fan fiction fragments, its amazing so I highly recommend it. :)

Anyway,I just wanted to give this a try. Never did this before but I hope you guys would vote for this fan fiction or any fan fiction story I wrote really. I think it would be a nice experience to try out, even if I only get one vote. Lol

To vote, you must go to the book with the blue cover called The Fiction Awards 2016 and they'll give you the instructions to vote and everything. My books are, btw, under the category of Fanfiction so put it in the right place.

I think that's all. I hope you guys would vote for ZSC or ZNF just for fun. So ya, I hope yo guys have a wonderful day and hugs and kisses go all around. ^w^

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