Chapter 29

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Garroth's POV:

Everything is rushing towards me like a fierce storm. My memories and my nightmares do not give me reassurance- instead, they give no mercy.

I've been having them ever since I escaped those thugs out on the street. I have nothing to recall about the nightmare specifically, simply because they consisted of flashbacks, too short and too quick to grasp onto and remember when the sun seeps from the outside and into the living room.

Zane told me that's what's happening to him as well, as in the quick flashback nightmares. Sometimes, he would sneak into my room at the dead of the night, and wake me up from my nightmares to talk about his. Or, in other cases, I do the same to him as well. It was still a miracle on how quickly we grew fond of each other again. We didn't let go of the past completely, but we were healing. And it started with our shared nightmares.

"It's like our world keeps tugging on me - us," he told me one night, sitting cross-legged on the floor and facing my bed. The pale moonlight from the small window above stone an unnatural, paranormal like glow onto Zane's face- particularly his eyes. We both have the same shade of blue, but his are icier and colder. They were a perfect target for the unknown. "It keeps saying 'Come back. You won't regret making the same mistakes again. Just come back once more'."

"And do you want to come back?" I asked. My head was rested on my arms, and I stared at Zane intently. Despite all the battles that we fought against each other, it seemed as if our love for each other never disappeared. We were brothers, it was only natural.

Brothers do things together all the time - including the bad moments.

Zane looked away and chuckled softly. His chuckle was the same, but different as well. It was softer and had less of the "world domination" hint about it. But it still had its rough edges and croaky start to it. "Honestly, I don't know. The logical part of my brain refuses to go back, but my heart... my heart..."

After that, he bid me goodnight and that was it. I didn't bring up the topic again, and I'm pretty sure he's grateful for that.

He's still new when it comes to his heart.

But he's learning slowly. And all thanks to Xandra, the girl who somehow likes him in a way that still puzzles me. They act like friends in front of company- the only hint of something more is the bantering and teasing and the kicking beneath the table, but once alone - which wasn't often all funny business stop. Instead, there is only silence. A whisper or two before the kiss. Silence. More whispers exchanged and kissing before heading their separate ways to sleep or jog into the night.

And how do you know this all, Mr. Garroth Romeave? My subconscious mind teases me.

Unfortunately, Zane and I have an uncanny way of sneaking around.

He's growing into a better person. It doesn't take a scholar or priest to notice the change. For one, he isn't killing people on the spot, which is fairly obvious. And certainly, he doesn't have this spite towards all living things that cross his path. And I'm pretty sure if he makes a single move towards an innocent soul then Xandra would give him a big spank if she could get herself to do it.

No. It doesn't take much of a person to notice the change. But you must be close enough to really know what's going on beneath the surface.

He has an internal battle with his past, the Shadow Lord, and himself. And unbelievably, he's winning. Slowly but surely, he's winning. With some help that he doesn't notice, and encouragement from Xandra.

"But what about you?"

I smile, the sharp howl of the wind playing with my hair. The night is upon the city and the bridge is as busy as it is during the day. Not so crowded, but still. Some people just never sleep. Such as I.

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