Chapter 25

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Zane's POV:

I'm not ready to see my brother again. Even if I managed to survive ten minutes of him a few days ago, the second encounter to everything always seems daunting.

On the other hand, seeing Xandra would be most excellent- even though she will probably kill me because ever since I had woken up from fainting, something has been at unease. And I can't pinpoint what. Perhaps her presence will ease everything up.

"Zane!" The lovely Xandra bursts into the hospital room, not caring if she breaks any door springs, and immediately starts ranting about how I should take care of myself better. "I can't be there to take care of you forever Zane. I'm going to leave high school soon, go to college, and you will be left alone for who knows how long. So you better learn how to manage your health, your..." Bah, bah, bah, bah.

I sigh in defeat. I knew this was coming even before I heard the pounding footsteps of a very pissed- yet worried, young lady. It's the same thing Xandra says to herself when she thinks I'm not listening. Why am I in love with this girl?

"I get the idea, Xandra," I say, waving my hand in front of her face to make her stop. "You can leave me in peace and quiet now."

She rolls her eyes at me, hands and hips and staring at me haughtily for a brief few seconds. I don't know what came over her, but the next thing I know, she flings her arms around my neck and silently starts crying onto my shoulder, her shoulders shaking.

I sit there shocked at the sudden move of affection- especially when Garroth and a strange young man are in the same room, but I hug her back, patting her head awkwardly in hopes of calming her down. I've never seen her this emotional in a long time, so it's frightening me somewhat.

"I... have... diabetes," she manages to gasp out. She buries her face further into my shoulder- if that's even possible, with every word up until I can barely make out anything she's saying.

"Diabetes?" I ignore the stares of the two men in the background and manage to lift her head out of my shoulder to see her face clearly. She looks like she played in the mud beforehand- given her frizzy hair and sagging clothes.

She shakes her head, her eyes slightly red from all the crying. "It's this sickness... thing that I'm diagnosed with. Type 1 diabetes. And not to mention the fact that you got yourself hurt and I wasn't there-"

"I didn't get hurt, Xandra. I just had a panic attack, that's all." Actually, there was more to my faint then just a stupid emotional attack, but I'm afraid of scaring her even more than she is already.

It seems as if her emotions are in play because immediately, her expression turns serious, her emerald eyes gleaming with utter steel. I gulp, hoping I didn't trigger anything that would make me cooked meat.

"I already know about the Shadow Lord." It comes out as a whisper, but to me, it rings across my head like a siren's call, echoing and vibrating through my fragile ear lobes.

I look at her up and down and then at Garroth and the new boy. "What?" Xandra flinches, obviously hearing the coldness in my voice.

The new boy clears his throat awkwardly, rolling onto the back of his feet before speaking in a very soft voice. "Um... well, sir, it's a long story, b-but..." He straightens his shoulders, raising his chin slightly in an attempt to make him look braver than he is. His actions amuse me greatly. "Anyways, the name's Brendan. Brendan Lansberg, your new therapist."

I have absolutely no idea what a therapist is, but at the sound of his voice and his doctor-like clothes, I'm guessing I'm not going to like my new "therapist" very much.

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