Chapter 3 - Sierra

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Previously On Gossip Girl...

Another stressful day at School Sierra? I wonder how our precious little Queen B Blair's doing? Word on the street is that she's meeting up with ours truly Sierra tomorrow. I'll keep everyone posted!


Gossip Girl 💋

🔹🔹This Time On...Gossip Girl🔹🔹

Blair's P.O.V

Usually waking up with no alarm and skipping school would make people happy. For me, let's just say cause of the case today I'm not that happy. I'm skipping school because I'm preparing myself for my meeting with Sierra.

Today's the day. Will a cat fight break out wherever our two Queens are going to be? Stay updated!


Gossip Girl 💋

I scoffed and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Lucy our worker had made some croissants, eggs and bacon. I grabbed a croissant and a little bit of butter.

Sierra better not try to show me up! I mean, it's her fault we're not friends any more. Maybe I need to have a party, make sure she knows about it and not invite her. No that won't work. She always comes even if she's not invited.

After breakfast I jumped into a steamy hot shower and thought for a while. What should I wear? Something dressy or casual? I need something that says 'I've got better things to do.'. After being lazy all day, I finally decided to start getting ready at 2:55 because we have to meet at the cafe at 4:30.

I got dressed and done my hair and makeup! I think I'll blow her away.

After everything...and I mean everything. I left the apartment and headed to our little meeting cafe. That's something I love about New York! You can walk everywhere.

"Table for-" I was cut off by Sierra herself

"She's with me." She smiled at the man working the seat in charts. He nodded then led us to a table for two. "So, Blair. How've you been?"

"Oh, you know. Good. Fantastic actually!" I exclaimed giving her a sickly smile "how about you?"

"Good." She replied quickly "is your mom still in Paris?"

"Yeah." I mumbled

"How about your dad, is he home?" She asked sweetly. I forgot she didn't know about the entire incident.

"My family is none of your business." I snapped

She looked stunned for a second then slowly nodded "forget I asked." She then looked up and back at me "What happened to us?"

"We stopped being friends when you tried to steal my boyfriend behind my back and you moved away cause you couldn't handle it!" I snapped

"Blair, you don't know how sorry I am." Her expression saddened "if I could take all of it back I would."

"Yeah, well, you can't." I snapped getting up

"Wait B!" She pleaded

I stormed out of that cafe and headed straight to Riley's since I haven't seen them all day. I walked into their apartment and plopped down on the couch.

"Yes, come in." Cory said sarcastically

"What's up with you?" Riley asked

"My ex best friend is trying to become my best friend again." I sighed

"Why don't you let her?" Riley asked

"Because she's done bad things to me...and it just isn't fair."

"Maybe you should give her a second chance?" Riley questioned

"That'd be the adult thing to do." Topanga said looking at both of us.

I looked at Riley and rose an eyebrow "what's with you?"

"All of our friends are fighting cause the campaigns."

"Maybe we both need to grow up." I sighed

"Not yet." Riley expressed

Extreme Shocker! Not! B stormed out of the cafe she met S at while they were talking. Sensitive subject that popped up? Or is it something a little more personal. Which it girl has the right side?


Gossip Girl 💋

"Who's that?" Riley asked towards the phone

I gave her a smile "A friend from my old school."



Hope you enjoyed this chapter! More to come!

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