Chapter 28 - One Year Later

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•One Year Later•

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One Year Later•

Good Morning Upper East Sider's, Gossip Girl here. Keeping you updated on the lives of everyone. Is it just me or does it seem like more than a year has gone by since Blair left? We can't exactly call her Queen B. Speaking of being Queen B, who is our new queen? After B left everyone practically shunned Little Jane. Has there not been a queen since Blair left? I'll keep you updated!

Blair's P.O.V

"It feels so weird being back in my old room." I told Lucy as she put my bags down. "I miss Paris already though. Especially their macaroons." Lucy laughed as she walked out of my room. Being back in New York is crazy after living somewhere that you never spend more than two weeks there. One part of me was glad to be back, the other part just wanted to go back to the drama free Paris.

"Oh Blair!" I heard the voice of Riley say in a sing song voice. I smiled and got off my bed and ran down the stairs. I smiled when I noticed the whole Matthews family was there.

"Hey guys!" I greeted happily as I hugged them all individually. I don't think they've ever seen me this happy in my life.

"Where's your mom?" Topanga asked me, "oh, she's out for the night." I responded.

She smiled, "So do you want to join us for lunch?" Cory asked me.

"Sure." I nodded, "just let me go grab my purse." I then rushed upstairs and said into some shoes and grabbed my phone and stuffed it in my purse. I grabbed the purse and rushed back downstairs to the waiting Matthews Family.

"Ready?" Maya asked, I nodded and they rushed out the door.

•Third Person P.O.V•

"Hey guys, my name is Thayer and I'll be your waiter today. Can I start everyone off with something to drink?" The voice caught Blair's attention. She swore up and down that she wouldn't see him again.

"Excuse me." Blair said quietly hoping she said it quietly enough for him not to hear his voice. She quickly got up, keeping her head down, and walked into the women's bathroom.

A few minutes of pacing around the bathroom and getting weird looks from strangers, Topanga, Riley, Maya, and Maya's Mom came into the bathroom.

"Blair, are you okay?" Riley asked the girl who was pacing around the bathroom. Blair couldn't exactly speak so she just shook her head in a way of saying 'no'.

"What's wrong?" Topanga asked her. She finally stopped pacing and stood directly in front of all the females that were in the family she thoughts was her second family.

"Our waiter is my ex boyfriend from Paris." Blair told them slowly, "I didn't think we'd see each other again. We told each other everything except where we lived and where we were from. But apparently that was an important part that I should've asked."

"Why did you two break up?" Maya asked, Blair faked a cough.

"Uh, we're not exactly-- well you see... we never really... you know... broke up." Blair stated and started biting her nails.

All the girls just looked at her with their eyes wide. "At least he's cute." Maya said then walked out of the bathroom with her mom.

"What do you mean that you two never really broke up?" Topanga asked the oldest teenager.

"Well, we got into an argument and the next day I came back here to New York." She explained to her second family.

"So, unresolved feelings?" Riley asked her, she shrugged and walked out of the bathroom. Only to bump into him with an empty tray.

"Blair?" Thayer asked, she looked up and met his gaze. "Oh, uh, I've just gave your table their drinks." He added on towards Topanga and Riley.

They nodded and went back to their table except for Blair, she stayed still not taking her eyes off him.

"So, um, do you live here?" Blair asked him, he nodded.

"Born and raised." He replied, "I was in Paris for a slight vacation."

"A vacation for a year?" Blair asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Actually, I was some kind of foreign exchange student." He responded, she nodded. "We didn't really leave off at the best place."

"Yeah, we didn't." Blair responded, "but I do have to get back to lunch." But he followed her back to her table.

"Okay, since everyone is here now what can I get you to eat?" He asked. Everyone told him their orders the last person was Blair.

"I'll have the personal pan chicken Alfredo pizza." Blair told her semi ex-boyfriend.

"With a side salad and cheesy bread?" Thayer guessed. Blair smiled remembering how she had ordered it when she was at some random place in France. "I'll go put the orders in." He told them.

He scurried off and everyone looked over at Blair. "He knows your order?" Cory asked. Blair nodded and took a sip of her water.

"He's my sort of ex-boyfriend." She stated but then her eyes landed on the Matthews that weren't there last time. There sat Cory's parents and Josh. "From Paris."

"At least you had fun. Life was boring with you!" Auggie exclaimed dramatically. Blair laughed along with the rest of the family except for Cory's parents and Josh.

They had all finished eating and were about to leave as they had just got done paying. As they started walking out Thayer softly grabbed Blair hand. She twirled around and faced him.

"Do you wanna go out tonight?" Thayer asked Blair. She could see in his eyes that he had a hopeful look in his eyes and at that moment she knew she wasn't over him.

"Sure.. where?" She asked just above a whisper.

"I'll meet you here and the rest is a surprise." He told her then walked away. "Oh and be here at seven-thirty that's what time my shift ends." He turned around and added then turned back around and continued walking away.

Blair smiled to herself and walked out of the building before meeting back up with her second family.


Tom Maden as Thayer

Hey guys! I know that you all probably hate me for many reason. First, probably because it took me a month to get another update up. And second, because I added another guy into this love triangle business. But I have been watching scream lately and I love Jake so I wanted to add Tom in one of my fanfics and I chose this one. Plus, I've had writers block and this was what helped me. So I hope this update was okay. I have a few pages of homework to do.. but there is a slight chance I might upload another chapter tonight so look out for that.

BTW: it's good to be back to writing this story!

If you watch scream-QOTD: Who's your favorite character?

My answer: My Favorite(s) are Jake, Brooke, Noah and Eli.

Regular-QOTD: If I do a social media fanfic who do you think it should be about?

My Answer: I was thinking rather; Tom Holland, James Lafferty, John Karna, or a few others.

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