Chapter 31 - You never gave up

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"I had an amazing night last night

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"I had an amazing night last night." I told Josh as he was leaving my apartment this morning. After we got back together we went on a date and came back to my apartment and fell asleep watching movies.

"I did too. I'll see you later babe. How about dinner tonight?" Josh asked me as we were at the elevator.

"Yeah, sounds good." I told him softly, biting down on my bottom lip. I leaned up and kissed him then pulled away.

"I'll see you tonight." He told me. I nodded then kissed him again, as I went to pull away he grabbed my waist and pulled me back.

The elevator dinged making us break apart standing there wasn't who either of us expected.

"Chuck?" I asked shocked and confused.

He cleared his throat, "I was hoping to talk to you... alone." He told me indicating he wanted Josh to leave.

"I was just leaving." Josh said, he then gave me a look.

"Chuck, why don't you go into the other room for a second?" I told him, he didn't look happy about it but nodded anyway. As soon as he was out of earshot I turned to josh.

"I know that look on your face Josh, but there is nothing that's going to happen between Chuck and I. Because I love you and only you." I told him, Josh gave me a small smile and nodded.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight. I love you." He told me. I kissed him then he left. I walked into the room Chuck was waiting on me in.

"What do you want Chuck?" I asked him.

"I wanted to talk about us." He told me, I rolled my eyes and walked closer to him.

"There is no us anymore. Josh and I are back together so that's the end of it. Whatever we had... it wasn't love, it might've been for you but I realized that I never loved anyone that way I love Josh. Yes, I know he hurt me and I may be an idiot to forgive him but that's who I am and I'm glad because if I didn't forgive him I would be walking around making all the wrong choices and screwing up my life and that is definitely not what I want for myself." I told him, I let out a shaky breathe I didn't know I was holding in.

Chuck took a minute or two to register what I just said. After a little bit he finally nodded.

"You're right. So, I just want to say sorry then I'll leave." He told me, I gave him a confused look.

He never apologizes but I'm more confused on what he's apologizing for.

"What are you apologizing for?" I asked him

"I'm sorry that I hurt you in the past, I'm sorry that I started rumor's about you when we were younger, I'm sorry I didn't defend you before you left for Paris, I'm sorry I didn't try to ruin Jane's popularity, I'm sorry I let people push you around, I'm sorry I ignored you when you were talking about Josh and Jake." He told me apologizing for a lot of stuff, some of the stuff I don't even remember. "But, most of all... I'm sorry I gave up on us when you never did."

When he said that I gulped, I don't know why.. maybe I was afraid he'd do something outrageous or something he shouldn't. But what he said was true, he never fought for us while I gave up a little fight at the least.

"It's fine, Chuck. Because if you didn't I might've still been dating you and I wouldn't be as happy as I am right now. You know I used to not be a firm believer in 'everything happens for a reason' but after everything that's happened... I believe that now." I responded.

"I'll let myself out." He told me with a nod, probably not being able to stay near me any longer. I can't believe I just broke someone's heart.

"Chuck." I called slowly turning around, he stopped by didn't turn around. "I'm sorry."

"I know you are." He told me, "it's fine." He then stepped into the elevator and left.

I smiled a small smile after he left, remembering I have a date with Josh I rushed upstairs to pick out and outfit and to start getting ready early.

Maybe my life has changed for the upside... maybe there's no more heartbreaks.

Maybe this is my future.



Sorry that this chapter was short and that it was mostly about Chuck and Blair but I did add and cute Blair and Josh scene in the beginning.

Okay guys... a few more chapters and this book is over. That honestly crazy in my opinion.

Hope this chapter was okay though!

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