Chapter 25 - Everyone Finding Out

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Previously on Gossip Girl...

Goodnight upper east sider's, Gossip Girl Here. It's been a while, I've been very busy but I have some details for everyone. Sierra's 2nd mom doesn't want anything to do with her any more, it's now about her very own daughter. Congrats B, you finally got the mom you wanted. It's late so I'll tell everyone the rest later. Goodnight... You know you love me.

Gossip Girl

💋💋💋💋This Time On Gossip Girl💋💋💋💋

Blair's P.O.V

Gossip Girl is getting on my last nerve. Who is doing this and why? It's so confusing! I put my phone back in my purse and walked up the steps of my school.

As soon as I walked into the school everyone started staring at me. Then my 'group' or as people like to call them my 'minions' came marching up to me behind Little J.

"You label everyone else when you're the one who needs to be put in her place!" Jane snapped, and stopped away with my group following her.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around, everyone's still staring at me.

"Is this true?" Jake asked walking up to me, I gave him a confused look.

"Is what true?" I asked him completely confused to what he's talking about.

"That you slept with Chuck.." He said, my eyes went wide. How did he find out?

"How'd you find out?" I asked, tears were starting to form.

"So it's true!" Jake exclaimed

"Well, I'm sorry! You slept with my best friend so why can't I sleep with yours?" I asked him, "how'd you find out anyway?"

"How do you think?" He asked and showed the Gossip Girl blog. Great! Everyone knows now!

What am I going to do? Ugh! Why did I have to make the stupid mistake twice, or even once for that matter.

This is so unfair, I mean Sierra can be a total floozy but when I sleep with someone twice, and it being the same person, I'm the bad guy. Society makes no sense to me anymore.


As I heard the bell ring I pushed myself off the wall and started walking up the stairs, only to feel something drop on my head. I lifted my hand up and touched it, after looking at it I realized it was yogurt.

I looked up and seen Jane and my old 'group', everyone started laughing and taking pictures. Tears of anger formed in my eyes as I ran out of the school and towards home.

Everything will be fine in a day or two, everyone will forget everything and I'll be back on top again. Right?

Jane being the popular just doesn't make sense, the 'group' is used to being all fancy and Little Jane doesn't have the money to do all the stuff they like to do with it!

Besides, the little yogurt trick, means war.

May the best Queen B win.

Good Day Upper East sider's, Gossip Girl here... How's everyones day been? I'm pretty sure everything is turned up for everyone since Queen B Blair got yogurt on her precious little Anderson Head. Be careful Little J, you don't know who you're messing with.

Why does Jane have the nerve to do this to me? I haven't done one bad thing to her at all, I know that may be hard to believe but it's not. First, she grabs Jake's attention, Second, she grabs Josh's attention, and Third, She's now bullying me!

She better hope I don't get back on top, because if I do. It'll be the end of her as everyone knows it. Besides why would she want my 'group' anyway? Didn't she notice how they turned their back on me so quick? Not exactly friends you want to keep around.


I jumped into the shower as soon as I got home. Luckily the yogurt came out of my hair easy. I'm so sick of school as of right now. Everything is just messed up, the entire high school popular chain is just so messed up! It's not even funny!

I was currently picking out an outfit for school tomorrow, even though I don't want to go. If everything isn't Better or even a little bit better than I don't know what I'll do. It's not like it was suppose to get out.

What I wanna know, is how Gossip Girl found out all of this. No one knew except for Sierra, Chuck and Topanaga. Well, Lucy knew, but I know she wouldn't have told anyone. I also knew Topanga wouldn't have told anyone. So my bet is on Chuck or Sierra.

But who wouldn't gave her that tip.

I'm sure Blair is wondering about how I found out, don't you all know I have eyes everywhere? I know that everyone's reading this, so thanks for the top. You know who you are! Have a wonderful night Upper East Sider's.

Gossip Girl 💋

Are you serious right now? How in the world does this person know everything?


So I decided to post on Wednesday cause my school starts back tomorrow, help me! But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this medium length chapter! But I have decided when I'm going to stop this book. This book will be over when I hit Chapter 35. The book will be over ok Chapter 34 but the Epilogue will be Chapter 35. Anyway... Hope this was okay :)

Gossip Girl |~Josh Matthews/OC~| Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora