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I'm sorry guys! I have to take a break from Wattpad... I know I haven't updated any of my stories in forever and it's not because I didn't want to but with some stories I was having writers block, sometimes I was busy with school and sports, but now I can't update because I'm grounded. I have a C in one of my classes and until I can get it up I have to stay off my phone. I'm a usual A+ and B+ student so having a C is making me wanna work harder so I'm punishing myself too not just my parents are.

I hope you all can understand and not be angry as to why I have to take a small break. If I don't get this grade up it could fall lower and make me fail or kick me off the Volleyball team... so I'm sorry!

Feel free to comment or message and I'll answer asap. I might be able to get on the computer I just won't be able to update... I have to keep my computer because that's where I take Spanish classes.

Anyway, I hope all of you understand and won't take it out on my books or me. I'm truly very sorry. But writing these books are helping me improve in English/writing. So my writing skills will start getting better because I have a 102% in English/writing so that's good!

But I'm sorry again! I hope you all have a good month and until next time, bye.

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