Part 28: Good Riddance Jerk

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"Oh God, X! Please help me," I begged over the phone that night when I got home, "Ryker dropped a huge hint that he had feelings for me and I think..."

"You do, too. Jeez, Eve. Riley and I, and just about everyone else, have known for a while now," Xander said.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I yelled, "That's not what I wanted you to say!"

Xander sighed and said, "Oh, my bad. How can you possibly have feelings for that jerk? He's an ass to you and you hate him. I think you're just confused about what happened with Finn."

We've been on the phone for over an hour now, with myself doing all of the talking. I told him about every single thing that had happened tonight.

I raked a hand through my hair and said, "You're so right. Thanks, X."

I blew out a sigh of relief. Phew, for a second there I thought Ryker and I liked each other. I couldn't keep doing this to myself. I keep thinking he likes me when he doesn't. I'm really stupid.

"Hey, listen. How about we go out tomorrow, just the two of us, since we don't have school tomorrow. All Aliens Return to Space 3 comes out tomorrow night at twelve!"

I squealed like a little ten year old girl and clapped my hands, "Oh my gosh! We have to go. I heard this is the final installment of the series which means we get to find out if the Aliens ever find their spaceship!"

Xander was my best friend for a reason. He knew just what to say to take my mind off of things. I completely forgot what we had been talking about before. We went on talking for another hour about nothing in particular until I hung up to go to sleep.


I woke up super late the next day, making sure I rested a long time. Xander and I would be staying up late to watch the new movie. I had to be prepared.

I went downstairs at around one o'clock to eat breakfast. I guess it would be brunch now. I turned the corner into the kitchen and stopped dead in my tracks.

My mom had her back to me and was making coffee. That wasn't what made me freeze.

I froze because of the man who was sitting in my father's seat again.

I clenched my fists as my vision went white.

Grinding my teeth, I growled, "I thought I told you that's my father's seat."

Christopher folded the newspaper he was reading and laid it down on the table. He was wearing casual clothing; a sweater and a pair of khakis.

My mom spun around when she heard the tone of my voice. Christopher slightly moved his head and she crossed her arms. No doubt she wanted to chide me for my attitude.

"I'm sorry, Evangeline. I'll move right away," he ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair and stood up against my mother's protests. Then he sat down in the seat that my mom always sat in. She smiled gratefully at him and seemed to apologize for my tone at the same time. He smiled back in understanding.

I couldn't take it anymore. This man can't just barge into my life expecting to completely replace my father. He's tried it twice now.

But then I looked at my mom. Her face flashed with hurt when she looked at me. She quickly changed her expression to pleading.

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