Absolute Mayhem

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Daryl's P.O.V.

"What was that?" I ask Laney. She has the same look on her face I must have right about now.

"I have no idea," she rushes. She spins and hurriedly opens the door. We don't see the action automatically, but we sure do hear it.

"This way," she gestures, running towards the commotion. As soon as we enter the center of the camp, we see the cause of this.

There are walkers. Everywhere.

"How the hell did this happen?" I scream at Laney. She looks as though she might cry or pass out at any moment. Oh, I hope not. I don't feel like letting someone die right now. And I certainly don't feel like carrying her.

"It must be the gang. The Dorans. It has to be." She begins to hyperventilate.

"Breathin' heavy ain't gonna help nobody!" I scream in her face to knock some sense into her. She seems to realize this as she reaches for her gun and readies her knife.

"Let's go," she commands. I situate my weapons and nod. We move forward.


The center of the town is complete mayhem. We cleared some rooms, got some people to safety, and grabbed my crossbow. Now, we eliminate the problem.

We head into town, careful of humans and walkers. The other gang might be here now, you never know. Laney knives a walker as I cover her. We make sure to direct the survivors we run into to the main building in the camp. It's sturdy and security is there to guard against threats.

"Where's Beth?" I ask for the millionth time. She huffs and rolls her eyes. Again.

"For the last damn time, I don't fucking know! I don't know where she is! Why is it so damn important anyways?!" She loses her temper. I have to kill a couple walkers that she has attracted from her volume.

"Because I care about her! And I'm not leaving her out here to die!" I yell at her.

"Why do you care so much! She's just a little girl!" Laney yells back.

"She is not! She can hold her own." I defend Beth.

"Then she'll survive!" She narrows her eyes at me.

"This is not holdin her own. This is asking her to do the impossible." I retort.

"Then you go find your little girl. I'm sure she's missing her baby sitter," she taunts.

"Shut the fuck up! You don't know shit!" I spit the words at her harshly.

"I know that you treat her differen-"

"Because I care for her! More than any other girl before!" I pause and hold eye contact. "More than I EVER will for you," I point at her. Her face tells me she's sincerely hurt. But I don't care. She'll survive.

I walk away, looking for one girl and one girl only. My Beth.

But when I see her, she is not like I hoped to find her at all . . . .

Beth's P.O.V.

Walkers. There are walkers everywhere. There are only the sounds of screaming, snarling, and metal bending from the fences collapsing. How could this have happened?! I thought this place had security???!

I keep my knife ready in my pants and my gun held firmly in my hands as I run toward the mob now. Kids, adults, grandparents, all trying to escape this nightmare. They all seem so defenseless. Like they have never seen these things before. Are they really that sheltered here?

I see a deteriorating body making its way toward me. Without a second thought, I send a bullet through the withering skull.

Where is Daryl? My mind is reeling with the possibilities. There's no way to keep it tamed anymore.

Two more, down.

I hope he's okay. I don't know what I'd do if I found out he was hurt, or even worse, gone for good.

Another I had used my knife for.

There are so many.

I then see a walker that's no ordinary walker, stumble it's way into my line of sight. My finger lightly presses the trigger but halts instantly.

My chest aches and I can already feel my eyes beginning to glisten. That's no walker. They can't be a walker, my mind insists.

Tears tread their way down my cheeks. My body rakes with loud sobs. I feel my hand want to instinctively want to reach out. But this just makes my heart hurt more. And with my vision blurry and my gun lowered, I watch as she walks my way.

"Maggie," I whisper, before an arrow travels directly through her skull.




I hoped you liked it! And sorry again for the wait lol thank you for your patience and all the comments :)
You guys are suuuuper sweet

Plz vote and COMMENT HAHA and add this to your library if you feel like it ;)


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