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Daryl's P.O.V.

Walkin to meet these people sucks. I don't know who they are, and they have a pretty bad rep. The camp we are with seems to be pretty shaken up, even with just their presence. I'm going to this meeting place on the outer area of the camp, where the fences are. Or used to be.

If I can be honest, this is bringin back some bad memories of the prison.

About twenty other men and women follow me to this meeting. I was in the front of the pack until a man called out to me from behind. I slowed down so he could catch up.

"Are you sure you wanna be the first face that they see?" He asks. "They want to talk to someone from our group. If you're not the person they want, they might just shoot you on the spot."

He's got a point. But I'm gonna stay behind, it'll be for a better reason. I want to stay behind to see who this is first. "Yeah, I'll stay in the back."

The guy walks ahead of me and I slow down so I am the last guy. I'm hiding behind a pair of big dudes, waiting to arrive. But finally, we stop walking when we see a line of people with some heavy artillery. I didn't look for specifics, but I spot some cars, probably used as shields as well as transportation.

"We're here. Now, what do you want? You've destroyed the walls! You've killed most of our people! What do you want?!" This voice belongs to the same man I spoke to earlier. I hear a gunshot. Then the sound of a body hitting the ground. Then silence. And then I know the man's dead. Dammit.

"Who do you want to speak to?" A woman calls out. Gunshot. Body falls. Dead.

"Please! Stop! What do you want?!" A girl cries. Gunshot. Body falls. Dead.

"They just won't stop attacking us! Don't you see?! This wa-" Gunshot. Body falls. Dead.

Damn! They're gonna kill everybody before I find out who the hell these people are! I decide to wait to say anything. If doesn't seem promising to speak, right about now. I can't get shot. There's so much I still have to do! Like for starters, clearing the air with Beth.

It stays silent for a good five minutes before anyone has the nerve to speak up.

"Is this what you came here for? To kill us off?" A man bravely asks.

"There we go!" A man cheers. "There's the question we've been waiting to hear!"

"No, we're not only here to kill you off. That would be a waste of a trip," he chuckles but I don't find anything funny.

"Then, why?" Someone asks. I can hear their voice shaking. God, these people are terrified.

"See, we had people patrolling your perimeter today. Just a few in the woods, keeping an eye on you." He pauses and I'm thanking God I wasn't around the perimeter.

"One of our own.. was missing." He simply adds. "She was gone. Taken-- by your dump of a camp!" He started to scream, and this intensity sounded familiar. It brought me back to those same bad memories.

"I want to know which one of you shits did this! Who took her?!" Another man in the group began to scream. I didn't dare to look. I stayed behind the tall man. Until I heard a very familiar female voice.

"We know you have her hostage. Hand her over and no one gets hurt."

I have to see who said this. This voice is all to familiar. All too gentle yet all to sharp. I know this voice. It's on the tip of my tongue. I move over just an inch, to peek at our guests.

"I just, I WONT LEAVE UNTIL WE HAVE OUR GROUP MEMBER BACK!" The man screams again. And now I see him.

Rick, Glenn, and Carol? Are they really here? I step over a little more, to make sure I'm right. And holy shit, they're here! Samurai and Lil sheriff is here as well. Them and the others are lined up with guns.

Wait. This is bad. They think I'm just another one of these guys. But they couldn't be more wrong. Me and Beth hate being here. We looked for them; where were they?? We're they looking for us?

I have to make myself known. I have to show them that I'm here.

"Now, give us the girl from our group, or I'll kill every last one of you." Rick announces.

"I'm not a girl." I call out. "But will I do?"


This pic tho (((;

I'm saying a thousand sorrys bc I suck at updating and I know it

I love you guys and I hate when I leave you hanging but I get so BUSY UGh

I apologize and will try to update again soon

I hope you all love this chapter! I tried hard and worked harder lol if that madE SENSE

Comment if you hate that I waited so long (((: Vote if you love Bethyl and want to hurt the writers of the show bc Beth was killed off. {Likes and comments on my own chapter}

I love you guys and I hope you all sleep well


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