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Hey cookie readers :)
I'm sorry if this isn't a chapter.

I saw some comment saying that the cast looks so familiar to the bad boy stole my bra and this book is copied. First of all, I'm quite offended not because its true but because I was trying my best to make the characters look unique and the names that were given to them was the name that I specifically thought suited them best.

Also, To those people who said that, my only comment is Nobody is forcing you to read my stories. You added it to your library and not because there are some characters that are the same to other stories doesn't mean it's immediately copied.

You just read chapter one and you immediately assumed that it's copied. If you give the book a chance to read it thoroughly then you'll notice that nothing is copied😊

You probably guys thought that I'm overreacting about those comments but I just can't help it. It kinda stung to see those comments because I'm doing my best to give you guys, my cookie readers, awesome chapters only to be commented that this book is copied.

Thats all.

I just wanted to let those words out of my system😊Oh! The chapter 20 is currently ongoing at the moment and I'll probably update next week.

Stay beautiful my cookie readers.
I love you❤️

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