Chapter 37: The dream

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⚠️B E W A R E⚠️
                VIOLENCE AHEAD

❣️Ellie's P.O.V

I woke up to the harsh slap that made my cheek flare up with pain. I winced lightly before opening my eyes.

The first thing that registered to me, was the sharp knife that was pointed to me. What made me recoil though is the fact that it was dripping with blood.

I looked up only to feel my heart dropping.

"Surprise," Todd grinned devilishly, pointing the knife to my face.

I felt the betrayal slapped me like reality,"How dare you?" I gritted out ignoring the throb of headache.

"How dare I?" He repeated evily,"Did you seriously think that I would betray my flesh in blood over someone like you?" He continued, looking at me as if I were a gum stuck in his shoe.

I felt my tears well up,"What did I ever do to you?" I whispered, looking at him with burning hate.

He ignored my question, wiping the bloody knife on my bruised face,"Do you know who's blood is this?" He hummed happily.

I ignored the fear that entered me,"Wh-who?" I asked, hesitantly.

He pulled back before stepping aside showing me the scene that I never wish to see.

Chase lying on the ground, blood pooling out of his slit throat as his head was turned to me with his dead, dull eyes staring straight into my eyes.

I felt a scream leaving my mouth before Todd stabbed me in my stomach.

I woke up with a half scream. My face meeting nothing but a plain blank wall. I looked around panicking and breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed Todd and Chase's unconscious body lying a few meters away from me.

It was just a bad dream, I thought, wiping my clammy hands on my jeans.

The memories of the incident rushing back to me. After the car managed to bumped into us, we lost control and somehow ran into a pole. The memories were abit blurry but I remember someone pulling me away from the car and carrying me into a van.

I looked down at my hands and noticed I was chained down, the same with Todd and Chase.

I scanned the room for any chance of escape route but sigh when I only saw a small window that could only fit a child's body.

I snapped my head to the side when I heard a pained groaned. Todd looked disoriented as he scanned the room slowly until his eyes landed on me.

He paused for a minute, flashbacks entering his mind before he looked down to his hands and glaring at the chains angrily.

"Are you okay?" He winced, looking at me for any injury.

"I'm fine, just a little scratch." I said, referring to my bleeding head.

He looked at me sadly,"I'm sorry, If only I saw that car coming then we wouldn't be stuck here." He apologized,
looking at me shamely.

A flashback of Todd betraying us in my dream made me looked down uncomfortably.

"It's okay, It wasn't your doing." I whispered but the words felt like chalk on my mouth.

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