Chapter 23: The suprise D! (Part 2)

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I have nothing against the song Hello by Adele :) You'll understand what I mean later.

Also this chapter is dedicated to janoskians_war for always commenting and voting. Thank you love❤️ :)

Ellie's P.O.V

"I look awful!" I whine.

"I haven't even seen it." Alec said on the other said.

Please don't start singing hello.

"But I can see it and I'm telling you it looks awful." I said looking at the wide mirror.

I'm currently standing inside a dressing room of a bikini shop wearing a black fringe bikini (Picture on the side)


Well, after Alec and I ate our breakfast (with no interuptions of tiffany) He insisted that we change our choice of attire because we look like a complete 'outcast' with our skinny jeans and shirts.

"Just open the door Ellie." He said before starting knocking in the door.

I looked at myself one last time before nervously opening the door. Alec peaked his head, He was only in his black swimming trunks leaving his upper body bare.

"You look," Alec paused before raking his eyes on my body,"breathtaking." He finished.

Is it just me or his eyes turned a darker shade of blue?

I blushed and was about to wrap my arms on my stomach but Alec gave me a warning look.

Alec took my hand for the umpteenth time and pulled me out of the bikini shop.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he weaves us through a thong of people.

"To the second part of our date." He answered.

I raised my brows I surprised,"You had this planned. Haven't you?" I asked.

"You ask too many questions. Just shut up and follow me." He said.

I kept quiet after that and just followed him. It was now half past eleven and the sun was there shining brightly.

We entered a shop where surf boards are rented and I was astonished at the design that each boards have.

"Alec! My boy! It's nice to see you!" A man greeted from the counter.

He was around his early thirties and has brown hair and he was consist of pure muscles and tanned skin.

"Jeff! Just the man I was looking for!" Alec grinned and from what I could see they look very close.

Alec let go of my hand to give Jeff a manly hug while I stood there  awkwardly. Jeff eyes landed on me and his smile grew wider.

"Oh look! You caught yourself a girlfriend and she's pretty too!"  He said acknowledging my presence.

I blushed,"Oh! You're clearly mistaken sir uh we're not dating." I said shaking my head profusely.

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