Chp. 10

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Kailey P.O.V 

3 Days Later

I'm a tad bit worried about Rosie lately. She hasn't been texting me back lately. I know she has modeling and is busy with online school but she can still text me back. I also noticed that Cody and her got photographed hugging and holding hands. She must be getting hate a lot on Twitter. I grabbed my phone and texted her.

Me: Hey

Rosie<3: Hey...

I was surprised that she actually replied back.

Me: Whats up stranger?

Rosie<3: Thinking can I call you?

It must be pretty serious if she wants to call me.

Me: Yeah hold on.

I called her waiting for her to answer. "Hey.." I heard her faint voice say. "Whats wrong?" She seemed to be crying as I heard her sobbing. "I-I tried to be strong." I knew instantly what she meant. "What happened?" I was heart broken that my best friend was hurting and I couldn't be there for her. "I-I logged in-into Twitter and there was just so much hate. H-how could they be so cruel?" I was speechless and just shocked. "Kailey?" I blinked out of my shocked state and answered. "Yeah?" I heard her walking back and forth. "I'm so sorry." I heard her bursting into tears.

"Rosie please stop honey. It'll be okay but I have to go. I can't miss my dance class." I was just too much in a state of confusion and just had nothing to say. I hated how I couldnt handle this and make my best friend happy. "Okay bye." She hung up before I got a chance to say something back.

Rosie P.O.V

I threw my phone on my bed and buried my head into my hands. What the fuck have I done to myself? Just sitting here my back to the door wishing that all of the hate could go away. I walked back to my mirror and saw a girl with flaws. My makeup running down my face and my hair matted to my head. I sighed and walked onto my bed. I looked out the window and say Cody, Ryan, and Alli walking towards the beach.

 Alli looked back and I closed my curtain so she couldn't see me looking at them. I was in my own world where no one could come in. I heard a knock coming from the front door. My Aunt answered the door and she was saying hello to Cody, Ryan, and Alli. "Rosie your friends are here!" I sighed getting up "Okay give me a sec!" I yelled back.

I pulled my white loose sweater on and my blue jorts. I fixed my makeup  and hair. I played with one of the purple streaks I put in with the red hair while walking out of my room. I was going to be casual and ignore the stares. I know my Aunt Marcie would be outside since she finds it a bit awkward being in the same room as teenagers. I walked downstairs and saw them look up at me with there eyes widened. "So whats up?" I said trying to not make things awkward.

"Rosie can we umm talk?" Alli said with sadness in her voice."Uhh yeah lets go in my room." Ryan and Cody stayed there giving each other looks. When we reached my room Alli hugged me. "What happened?" I sighed hugging her back. "The hate." I bluntly said. She pulled away wiping her eyes. "Why didn't you tell us? We would've helped and made it stop." That's when I walked over to my bed sitting down. "That's the thing you cant make it stop." Alli sat down putting her arm around me. "It hurts me and everyone else to see you do this." I felt a tear roll down my face. "I know."

Ryan P.O.V

Cody hasn't talked since Alli went upstairs to go talk to Rosie. He was just sitting down on the stairs his head in his hands looking down. That must of killed him when he saw her legs he cares about her a lot. I heard Alli come down the hall wiping her eyes. "Cody?" She said putting her hand on his back. He lifted his head nodding you could tell he has been crying. He walked up the stairs slowly almost hesitant to face her.

Cody P.O.V

"Rosie?" I saw her looking up at me tears slowly cascading down her face. I walked over to her bed sitting down and pulled her onto my lap. "Why?" I kissed her wrist trying to take away some of her pain. "Twitter." I tensed up at that did my fans really hate on her? "I'm sorry." I said and she shook her head. "Don't you dare blame yourself." She said sternly. I didn't reply because i couldn't help but blame myself. She was still crying so I kissed her head hoping it would calm her down

Ryan P.O.V

"I still just can't believe it." Alli said leaning her head on my shoulder. We were currently sitting on the beach looking at the waves crashing down. What if this is what Rosie life is like? Its like how an ocean has calm and dangerous waves. It becomes dangerous during storms and anything can happen like a person breaking apart. It can be calm but then one raindrop comes and then others come to make the waves crash down. I never realized just how hurt she must feel inside. She always pulls such a brave face on but its all just a lie.

Rosie P.O.V

I was lying down with Cody on my bed my head on his chest. We weren't talking and just enjoying each others company. I smiled at how he let me cry on his chest and how he said that he cares about me. I regret self-harming again so much. i promised Cody I will never ever self- harm again and I'll start eating and I will not break it ever. I'm going to get through the hate with Cody's help and Alli's help. I just have to learn that not everyone is going to like me and i'm probably going to get more hate.

They hate you for what you looked like, your personality, how you dress, and talk. I'm just glad I have my friends to help me through it. I felt Cody's lip kiss my wrists for the 34th time in the last hour. I smiled looking up at him. "Someone seems happy." He said smiling wrapping his arms around my back pulling me closer. "Yeah I am." I intertwined my fingers with his .

"Oh yeah and whys that?" He asked brushing my hair with his other hand. "Honestly its because your here with me." I said truthfully. "Trying to contain my blush right here." Cody said hiding his face with my pillow. I laughed getting off of my bed. "Where are you going?" Cody asked sitting up. "To the beach silly I'm not sitting here all day." I put my black VANs on waiting for him to get up. He looked at me making me freeze and stare right into his blue eyes. They always put me in some sort of trance and its like he has this pull on me.

"Alrighty then lets go." I jumped a bit blinking coming back to reality. "Cody I don't feel like walking." He crouched down as I gave him an odd look. "Get on my back." His Australian accent filling my room. I jumped on his back laughing. His hands below on my thighs as my hands were around his neck. I still wished that my accent was as strong as  everyone elses.

It took a couple of minutes and we were at the beach. He set me down as we walked hand in hand. All of a sudden I felt his hands on my sides tickling me. "Cody!" I shrieked while laughing trying to get out of his grip. "Say Cody is the most hottest guy I have ever seen." I nodded my head while laughing. "Cody is the hottest guy  I have ever seen." I said pushing his arms away from my sides. "Your so right im fabulous." He said striking a pose. Gotta love it when a guy decides to go all cocky on you. "C'mon pretty boy." I said dragging him towards Alli and Ryan. "Wait you think i'm pretty?" He said stopping. "I think your beautiful." I said rolling my eyes.


I hate school its so boring. My sister's annoying me today. >.< Well I have nothing to say because I'm still a bit upset about the Liam Payne drama. Hopefully everyone gets the point that what there doing si wrong and is not just hurting Liam and Sophia but hurting his band mates too. Well anyway I just want to say that but I really have to go to bed now. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter byeee!<3 ~ Brianna xoxo

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