Chp. 33

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Rosie P.O.V

 "Hey Holly!" I said waving at the crowd before giving her a big hug.  I took the seat beside her desk waving and blowing kisses to the crowd. I glanced at Cody who was smiling proud at me. When she was hushing the crowd a few I love you's filled the room.

"Well I see you have quite a fandom?"

I laughed agreeing with her. " I guess I do but not as big as Cody's."

"How long have you and Cody been dating for?"

"Yesterday was our two month anniversary." A bunch of awwh's filled the room making me blush slightly.

"So I see a very pretty bracelet on your wrist."

I grinned wide looking down at the diamonds sparkling. "Yeah Cody gave it to me this morning." The crowd aww'd and so did Holly. I chuckled lightly and smiling at him. "Yeah he's a very lucky guy to have in my life." I felt Cody's loving gaze on me as I spoke.

"So you two are pretty serious huh?"

"I could say that but we aren't the perfect couple like everyone thinks we are. There was a point in our relationship where we almost broke up."

"I saw that actually on TMZ. Who was that girl that you attacked?"

How did TMZ find out about Destiny and I's fight? "She was a girl that went to my old school before I moved back to Australia. She was a horrible bully towards me and some other students. She would say horrible and do horrible things to me. She tried telling lies to Cody and his family so I guess I just snapped." I felt that familiar lump in my throat that I always got when I remember that night.

"If you don't mind me asking but didn't you recently say on Twitter that you had a Tumblr?"

I nodded my head wondering where this was going to lead to.

"Was she the reason why you self harmed?"

"Yes she is the main reason's why I did the things I did. See what people don't realize it that when I was in America I had an eating disorder because I gotten bullied so badly. I find it funny how people call me perfect because to me I'm just a normal girl trying to forget about the past."

She wiped her eyes before speaking. Cody's expression was pure shock and the audience was surprise. Was I not supposed to say anything about my past?

"I'm sorry but I see why girl's look up to you so much. You really are a true inspiration to others."

"Thank you that mean's so much to me." I smiled warmly at her while the crowd sat silent.

"Well before we all just start getting into deep conversations let's get to some questions fans wanted to ask."

She clicked on a button and a screen slowly started to come down. A picture of Cody yelling at the paparazzi showed up. I sighed knowing exactly what question it was going to be.

"What happened here?"

Called it. "Well I was really sick that day and they surrounded us which made me want to puke. They started throwing out questions and they shoved me almost making me fall. Then they asked if I was cheating on Justin and they called me a slut. They took it too far with that so Cody yelled at them to back off."

"How horrible?!" I mean just because you're hanging out with a guy does not mean that you're cheating on your boyfriend." She clicked on the button once again and it was a picture of Cody and I kissing. "If paparazzi can not see how happy you two are then the hell with them!" I laughed nodding my head in agreement.

She clicked on the button switching to a picture of Cody's hand on my bum. "What's going on here?"

"He only does that when he get's over-protective. It was the same day when the paparazzi situation happened so he was telling them to back off. It doesn't really bug me because he doesn't do it everyday."

She nodded her head while clicking the button showing a picture of me in one of my photo shoots. "When did this happen?"

"My cousin Evelyn called me up one day and was like how do you feel like being a model again? And I said sure why not? It's always been my dream anyway."

"How did you tell Cody?"

"Well at first I wasn't going to tell him at all. Justin kind of forced me to since originally I was going to be like Cody I'm leaving tomorrow to be a model bye. Oh God he's going to kill me." I laughed covering my face.

She laughed along with me. "Well that's all we have for now. Thank you once again Rosie for joining us! Goodbye loves." I hugged her thanking her before walking towards a fan.

"Were you really not going to tell Cody?" She asked. "Yeah I mean how are you supposed to tell your boyfriend that you're going to be a lingerie model?" We both laughed. "I would have no idea." She replied.

I was going to reply but I heard someone yelling out my name. "Well thank you for coming but I have to go now." I ran towards the backstage my lips colliding with Cody's. I smiled kissing him back. I pulled away after a few seconds. "So were you really not going to tell me?" I groaned pulling away. "I was nervous." He laughed pulling me into another kiss.

"I would hate to ruin our own moment but I still have a photo shoot and you have a concert." I stated while he groaned. I wrapped my arm around his waist as we made our way out of the studio. "That was amazing though." I said as we got into the car.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder kissing my forehead. "I still can't believe that you weren't going to tell me." He shook his head smiling. I couldn't tell if he was just joking around or being serious. "I'm sorry but it's hard to tell your boyfriend that you're working for Victoria Secret. It's also going to be harder once the guys come in." My eyes went wide as the sentence rolled out of my mouth.

"What?" He snapped his head at me making me jump a seat away from him. "I-I said they're is going to be guys there." He looked angry and annoyed at me. "Why the hell weren't you going to tell me." He loudly whispered. "It shouldn't matter to you." I snapped getting annoyed at his sudden outburst.

"I'm your boyfriend I have a right to know." He stated acting cocky. If you guys didn't know but Cody and I have been getting into little spats a lot lately since were both pretty stressed. "I was going to tell you." I trailed off. "Yeah when? When your too busy getting touched by other guys?" I gasped at him wondering who the hell he thought he was.

"You act like I'm some sort of stripper!" I yelled. "You said it." He scoffed but stopped realizing what he just said. "Rosie I-"

"Save it!" I was too hurt to hear his pathetic apology. "Whatever." He huffed looking out the window. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as the car stopped. I opened the door slamming it before Cody could make his way out.

He didn't bother following me which I was happy about. I walked in putting on a big smile. "You ready?" Bella asked me. "Yeah." My make up artist started applying make up on me. This was going to be a really long day. 


What did you guys think? My Instagram is: breeeluvsyou ... Please follow me I'll follow you back:) But anyway did you think that Cody was overreacting??? Give me comments on what you think. Enjoy <3 ~ Brianna xoxo

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