Chp. 45

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Rosie P.O.V

"Rosie can you help me fix my hair?" I heard Cody yell as I fixed my own hair. "Yeah hold on." I pulled my now curly hair back and smiled. We weren't going anywhere fancy but always having straight hair gets boring. I walked into the room and saw Cody trying to fix his hair.

"Can you help me with my hair?" I giggled lightly while walking towards him. I grabbed the gel  and began doing his hair into a quiff. "Why did you need my help again?" I asked standing in front of him trying to fix his messy hair.

"To be honest I didn't need your help, I just like it when you play with my hair. I laughed feeling his grip on my hips tighten. "Babe can I ask you something?" I looked up into his eyes curiously. "Yes?"

"Why am I a pillow?" I broke away giggling at his curious yet serious expression. "You're fluffy that's why." I laughed at how he checked down his shirt and then pretended to cry. "But that's why I love you." He smiled at me with a red shade on his cheeks.

"I love you too." I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him lightly. "Is my hair okay now? I mean we have to leave now." Cody said looking down at his phone. "It's fine babe." I reassured him as I leaned over to grab my purse. Hopefully tonight will be a good night.


"I don't want to eat." I whispered into Kailey's ear. She gave me a worried and curious look. "Why?" I felt Niall and Cody's gaze on us as we whispered back and forth. "I'm not hungry." She nodded her head turning her attention back to Niall.

"What's going on?" Cody asked nudging me lightly on the shoulder. "Nothing just tired." He placed his hand on my thigh, his thumb rubbing my thigh softly.

"So Rose how's the album going?" Liam asked taking a sip from his water. We were having dinner with the girls, Justin, and of course the boys of One Direction. "Good we've already finished half of the album." Gianna smiled at me proudly since she knew what I was going to soon say next.

I was going to tell them but got interrupted by the waitress coming towards the table. "Hello my name's Jessica I'll be your waitress for tonight. What would you like to eat?" Her expression changed though when she saw who she was talking to. She didn't scream though or beg for an autograph: she kept a calm and welcoming demeanor.

Everyone started ordering and I knew that they were going to think something was up when I order a salad. I was trying to get healthier and stay in shape. I wasn't dieting, I was just trying to manage my weight a little bit better. "And miss what would you like?" She soon asked me. "I'll just have a salad." Everyone looked at me surprised besides Kailey.

They all know I've been trying to have a more healthier but they're highly against it. "Okay it'll be up in thirty minutes." She gave a quick glance at us before walking away. "Why a salad?" Harry asked crossing his arms.

When I say Harry is like an older brother to me I mean it. "I'm not hungry.' I simply stated leaning my head onto Cody's shoulder. I just felt completely drained from the work out I did yesterday night. "Are you feeling okay?" Justin asked from across the table.

"Yeah just the work out with Gianna, Selena and I did was brutal." Gianna started laughing which caused Justin to give her a look. "It was so much fun though." Justin beamed, happy that Selena was friends with his new girlfriend.

"Wait Rosie weren't you telling us something yesterday at the gym?" I nodded my head smiling. "Yeah." I shortly said feeling the impatient eyes on me. "Well go on tell us." Louis said.

I hesitated a bit but when I felt Cody 's eyes on me I knew I had to tell them. "I'm making an album." Everyone cheered, running up to give me a hug. "Finally!" Zayn and Niall yelled giving me a huge bear hug. Well that went better than better expected.

Cody P.O.V 

Everyone had ended their little celebration when the food came out. I was still celebrating though on the inside. I was proud of Rosie's decision to make an album. She was a fantastic singer and everyone here wanted her to make an album.

Right now she was talking to Harry and Louis about something. She had already eaten half of her salad but I could tell she was tired and not feeling well. "Okay well I'm not hungry anymore." I heard Rosie's voice say as she pushed her bowl away.

I knew that Gianna barely ate her ravioli since she too wasn't feeling well but they both seemed just exhausted. "How hard did you guys work out?" I asked looking at Rosie. " I ran maybe twenty miles and no I didn't think to take a break." She put her head on my shoulder closing her eyes.

"Then Selena and I ran for like three hours." Gianna added on as she placed her head in her hands ready to fall asleep. Everyone else too seemed to be getting tired since we've all had a long day. "Okay well maybe it's time we head back." Zayn pointed out.

Rosie and Gianna were the first ones out the door which made us all laugh. I paid for Rosie and I's meal catching glimpses of her glare on me. She was getting impatient since it took me awhile to pay the bill.

I saw her walking towards the car that was waiting for us. It took me awhile to get to the car since I had to say goodbye to everyone. By the time I got outside Rosie was already in the car sleeping. She was curled up by the window her hair cascading over her shoulder.

I pulled her body towards me so her head was lying against my chest and her tiny arms wrapped around my waist. I sighed, lazily putting my hand on her bum.

After a few minutes of driving we were at the hotel. "Rosie wake up." I nudged her trying to somewhat wake her up.

"Carry me." She mumbled still not opening her eyes. I chuckled lightly but picked her up bridal style. The driver opened the door letting me out. "Never again am I working out." She mumbled onto my chest.

I chuckled lightly as I made my way towards the elevators. People gave me curious looks and smiled at my sleeping beauty that was in my arms. When I got on the elevator everyone seemed to stare or glance at me. It didn't annoy me, I liked holding my princess in my arms.

Once I got off I quickly headed towards our room. I managed to open the door while Rosie clung onto my neck. I laid her down on the bed and started to take off her shoes. I couldn't have her sleeping uncomfortably.

"Hand me your shirt." She whispered holding out her hand. I took mine off and handed my shirt to her watching a small smile grow on her face. It was funny trying to see a half-asleep Rosie get changed. After awhile of her trying to take off her pants and unclasping her bra, she gave up. "Cody." She whined making me laugh.shirt

I helped her take off her jeans and her bra noticing her cheeks grow red. She then quickly put my shirt on and smiled. "I love you babe." She whispered to me as I started changing into basketball shorts. "I love you too princess." She didn't reply back since she was already fast asleep.


Heyy guys! It's nice to update after what? 7 days! Sorry I got grounded of off wattpad because of my grades so now I can only update on the weekends. I don't have school tomorrow so that's why I'm updating tonight. Well I just wanted to say hi and that I really did miss you guys! ~ Brianna xoxo

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