Chp. 19

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Alli P.O.V

~ 2 Weeks Later~

"Cody?" I yelled out as I tried looking for my phone. "Yeah?" He said walking in shirtless. "Where's my phone? Oh and can you cover up you're fat?" I poked his hard stomach. I will have to admit i'm jealous of my brothers body. "I think it's in the kitchen area and you know you love my fat." He grabbed a random shirt and put it on. "So where's Rosie?" She hasn't been on this bus since I woke up which was 2 hours ago at 11.

"She's with mom, they should be back soon though." Rosie and my mom relationship was like a mother/daughter type. I knew that Cody missed her since they never get a chance to see each other that much. He's always doing interviews, photo shoots, or concerts. They have'nt gone public so Rosie is just leaning back letting Cody do his thing. "Have you guys ever thought of going public?" I knew that Cody didn't like hiding Rosie from the world at all. But he was afraid that once he did his fans will give Rosie hate. "We have but we just never had the time to actually go out."

"What if we do it now?" Rosie's voice said behind us. "Can we talk Codes." Cody nodded his head clearly nervous. He hated whenever she says can we talk because he thinks that she'll break up with him. If you guys never knew this but Cody is really insecure about losing someone that he loves. "I'll leave you two alone." I said walking to the kitchen area.

Rosie P.O.V

I was in the car talking to Angie about going public with Cody. "I just don't know if were really ready to go public yet. I mean it does hurts that we can only kiss or hold hands backstage or on the bus." I hated always hiding but I didn't want to ruin Cody's career by him dating me. I'm not a model or any public icon, I'm just a normal girl who's dating a celebrity. Okay maybe i'm not that normal but I still wanted to have a little bit of privacy. I know that once we go public all of the privacy will vanish.

"I think you guys should go public. "You guys have been going out for almost a month now; I think its time to tell everyone." She was right Cody and I have been dating for almost three weeks. I sighed putting my head on the window looking at the sky. "Are you afraid of the hate?" Angie asked curiously. I'm not afraid of the hate but I am afraid of going back to my past ways. It's been a struggle but Cody's been helping me through most of it. I'm sure that if I get hate Cody will be there for me. "No I'm not they don't know anything about me at all." I simply answered.

She stayed quite as we pulled into the arena's parking lot. She parked right next to the bus, turning off the engine. I got out of the car walking into the doors. I heard Cody and Alli talking so i decided to eavesdrop a bit. "Have you guys ever thought of going public?" I heard Alli say. "We have but we just never had the time to actually go out." That was thr truth we were going to go public like a week ago but he had a photo shoot to do.

"What if we do now?" I suggested. I knew Cody was surprised that I was there listening to them talk. "Can we talk Codes?" I really wanted to know if he was truly ready to go public. I walked into the room smiling at Alli. "I'll leave you two alone." Alli then walked out of the room leaving Cody and I standing there.

"Are you sure you want to go public?" He looked down at me not meeting my eyes. "Yes I'm ready to go public. I want to be able to kiss you or hold your hand whenever I want to. I cant do that if we keep our relationship hidden." He sighed, putting his arms around my waist, hugging me. I put my arms loosely around his neck as he rested his head on mine. I hate how short I am compared to him but it makes me feel safer. "I just don't want you getting hurt." He mumbled. I looked into his eyes almost getting into the familiar trance.

"I'm not going to get hurt. As long as I have you by my side I'll be alright. I just can't handle this being a secret anymore." It was a struggle to always keep my distance away from Cody whenever were outside with his family or manager. It may sound to seem to short of a relationship to say that I love him but I do. I fell for him harder than accepted and I'm ready to show people that. He tightened his grip onto me his cologne filling my nose. "I love you." I heard him say. I looked up at him smiling wide. "I love you too."

I crashed my lips onto his before he could say anything. His arm held a firm grasp on my hips making me smile into the kiss. He flicked his tongue onto my bottom lip wanting entrance. I opened my mouth letting his tongue explore my mouth. Fireworks seemed to fill the space around us as this continued. We pulled away blushing and grinning.

"Do you want to go show the world now?" I laughed nodding my head. "Yes I can finally kiss you outside." He laughed intertwining our hands together. He loves me and that just makes my heart flutter at the sound of it. 

"Mom?" Cody asked as we walked by the kitchen area of the bus. "Yes?" She was too busy making dinner to look up at us. "Rosie and I are going to go for a walk?"

She smiled and waved her hand indicating us to just go. "Be back at 6 for you're sound check." Cody had a concert and they had to make sure everything goes perfect.

"Okay well were not going far." He opened the door for me making me blush. "Okay." His mom answered. "So where to?" He asked putting his arm over my shoulder as I placed my hand on his that was dangling off of my shoulder."How about that ice cream parlor you are always talking about." I suggested. We were currently in New York City and Cody said that once we found time he would take me there. "Okay." He tried hiding the excitement but I could see it in his eyes.

We walked a bit in silence but then soon flashing lights came in our view. "Ignore them." Cody whispered in my ear. "Are you two dating?" They seemed to all say at once. Cody looked down at me and I nodded, "Yes were dating. We've been dating for about three weeks." He said smiling proud. They started backing off a bit but they still tried asking us questions. "I find it creepy how they like following people around." I said loudly hoping they would hear me. Cody just laughed at the paparazzi's death glares at me.

"One of the many reasons why I love you." He said quickly kissing me on the lips. I heard the clicks of cameras but I just ignored them. "I love you too but I really want that ice cream." I patted his cheeks making him pout. I laughed as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Well it's a good thing that were here then." He opened the door for me and I saw the row's of ice cream. "I see why you love it so much." I said gasping at the five rows of ice cream ahead of me.

I felt like such a kid again trying to decide which ice cream flavor to choose. One caught my eye and I started to burst out laughing. "Babe come here." My second nickname for Cody was babe but I loved calling him Codes more. He walked over to me confused at why I was till laughing a bit. "What's up?" I pointed at my hair and then the color of the ice cream. My hair has faded into a light pink and it reminded me of the ice cream I was looking at. "This ice cream is making fun of my hair color." I pouted.

"How?" He raised one of his eyebrows probably trying to find out what was wrong with me. "If you haven't noticed my hair is pink and this ice cream's color is pink." He started to chuckle a bit. "Maybe because it's berry flavored." He pointed out . "It still doesn't have to make fun of my hair." I crossed my arms. "Well I love you're hair." He said lightly tugging at one of my strands of hair. "Well whatever let's just gets some ice cream before we have to head back." I still was a bit upset that my hair looked like a berry flavored ice cream. Maybe it'll wash out in a week. All I know is that I'm going to have light pink hair for the whole entire week. Just great.


I actually wrote the ice cream scene on what happened to me. I dyed my hair a light red and it turned pink. Was not a fun two months at all. But I'm a blonde now so it's all good. So I hope everyone is having a great 3 day weekend:) Hope you enjoyed this chapter lovelies. ~ Brianna xoxo

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