Chp. 48

30 1 0

Rosie P.O.V

"I can't believe I'm doing this." It was ten in the morning and I was busy getting my suitcase closed. I've been upset all morning, trying to forget that in an hour or two, Cody and I will be miles apart. "Babe it'll be okay." His reassurance didn't help my nerves. He grabbed my suitcase kissing my cheek.

He started walking to the door, though stopping once he noticed that I wasn't following. "Babe are you coming?" He turned around extending his hand. "Y-yeah sorry." I intertwined our fingers together as we made our way out the door. "I love you." He squeezed my hand gently.

"I love you too." He cracked a smile, swiftly wrapping his arm around my waist. All I wanted was for time to stop so we can have more time together.

After saying hi to some fans we were in the limousine. Cody's family wouldn't be able to say goodbye since they had to go to Alli's photo shoot. I rested my head on Cody's shoulder as his thumb rubbed my thigh.

HIs fingers ran up my thigh and to my jawline. He pressed his lips to mine, my smile finally showing. "Beautiful." He whispered, my cheeks growing warm.

"Don't worry so much. We'll be fine." His blue eyes met mine, sending chills down my spine. "I know. I just hate the distance." He sighed. agreeing with me. "We'll see each other soon." 

"Yeah, a month is so soon." He chuckled lightly. "It'll go by fast." I lifted my head off his shoulder, placing my head on his lap. "Now I'm comfortable." He laughed, running his fingers through my hair.

He tugged at my hair lightly, making me look up at him. "Promise me that you'll call me once you get off the plane." I smiled at how much he worried about me. "I promise." He smiled softly.

"My hair's annoying me." I sat up, pulling my hair into a messy bun. "But I like your hair down." I kissed Cody's pouted lips, giggling softly.

"We're here." I jumped away from Cody when the limousine driver opened the door. Cody was the first to get out, then intertwined our fingers together. I came out to immediate screaming and flashing lights.

Cody managed to tug my way through the crowd with help of his body guards. Ignoring the screaming and flashing of lights wasn't easy but you somehow manage to get through it. "That was crazy." Cody mumbled as we got inside the airport.

We went through the security checks with surprisingly no problems. Once we were at the gate we had at least fifteen minutes together. An overwhelming feeling surrounded my lungs.

I wiped tears that managed to fall from my eyes. "Baby come here." Cody pulled me to his chest, his hands resting softly on the small of my back. "I'm going to miss you so much." He held onto me tighter as small tears fell onto his shirt.

His hands went to my jaw, lifting my head up. "I love you so much Rosie. Please stop crying." He brought his lips to mine softly making me want him more. "I love you too Codes." He smiled softly, resting his forehead on mine.

We stayed that like for what seemed like eternity. The plane was going to be late due to some storms it was currently flying through. I didn't care, it meant that I had a few more minutes with Cody before I left to go to Los Angeles. 

We decided to go by some corner in the airport, though it was still close by the gate. His hands were gripped tightly on my hips while my mouth was on his neck. I quickly placed my lips onto his savouring his taste. I buried my fingers in his hair while his tongue swept over my bottom lip. I granted access, letting our tongues collide. Time seemed to stop still and I forgot about everything. I forgot that we were in public with paparazzi probably taking pictures of our intimate moment.

We pulled away, naturally, our lungs begging for air. "Plane thirty-five will be landing shortly." Cody's thumb wiped away a stray tear. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist, letting me cry on his chest. "Shh." He rubbed my back, kissing me forehead lightly.

"Look at me." Cody cupped my chin, wiping my tears away. "I'll call you every day even if I'm on stage." I chuckled lightly.

"Flight thirty-five is ready to board." My heart sunk as Cody started unwrapping his arms from my body. I cleared my throat, wiping my eyes, sighing as I saw mascara come off. He intertwined our fingers, forcing a smile.

"I'll call you the minute I land." I promised him, my voice raspy from crying. "I love you." He ran his fingers up and down my sides, small shivers going through my body. "I love you too." I couldn't help but smile.

He kissed me goodbye when the gate attendant said that the gates would be closing soon. I made my way towards the gate attendant. "Here you go." She scanned my ticket giving me a smile. "Oh Codes." He turned around giving me a warm smile. "I love you." He chuckled lightly. "I love you Rosie." I turned around walking onto the plane. One month.. I can do this...


Hey I'm sorry this is so short. I'm watching the Super Bowl and damn, my team is losing. I cant wait for Bruno Mars to perform though during halftime! Okay well I hope you liked this chapter:) I'm so excited about the sequel! I post everyday don't forget. I love you, thanks again for reading ~ Brianna xoxo

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