Chp. 28

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Rosie P.O.V

3 Days Later

I woke up with the alarm clock going off and a tight pain in my stomach. I felt Cody lean against my body as he turned the excessive beeping off. "Rosie get up we're going to England today." He trailed kiss from my shoulder blade to my jawline. I slowly got up wincing at the pain in my lower stomach. It felt tight and uncomfortable.

"Cody whats today again?" I leaned into his chest feeling weak. "July 14th why?" Oh shit my weekly friend was here. "Nothing just wondering but I'll be right back." I kissed him lightly before rushing towards the bathroom. I felt nauseous and right now I wish that we weren't going an ten hour flight.

I whimpered as the cramping became worse and my forehead started sweating. After finished doing my business, I washed my hands, and managed walking back to the bedroom. "Cody can I borrow your sweatshirt and sweatpants?" He looked at me his smile fading. I was holding my stomach in pain hoping it will fade away soon. I am never ever skipping a month ever again.

He walked up to me wrapping his arms around my waist. I didn't hug back since my arms ached with pain. His hand started rubbing the small of my back relieving the pain that was there. "What's wrong?" He whispered. "My monthly friend is here." I whispered to myself.

"What was that?" He pulled away his eyes fixated on mine. "I'm on my period." I yelled out but then bit my lip embarrassed. He smirked pulling me into a comforting hug. "I'm sorry that you're in pain baby." He kissed my cheek which just wanted to make me stay like this forever.

"I don't want to leave right now." I tried rubbing my stomach but I winced since even moving a bit caused pain. "I'll take care of you don't worry." He kissed my head lightly trying to make some of the pain vanish. "Can you give me you're sweatpants and sweatshirt?" He laughed and handed me them. "Thank you." I kissed him lightly before heading towards the bathroom once again.

I put on his clothes; his familiar cologne he always used filling my nose. "Rosie are you okay?" Alli asked knocking on the door. I was surprised that she had actually woken up at 4:30 in the morning. If Justin, Gianna, and Kailey were still here it would've been torture waking them up. "Yeah I just look like a hobo." I mumbled walking out.

"You look so small when you're wearing his clothes." She laughed pulling at the loose sweatshirt that hung of my shoulder. I just shook my head blushing lightly as Ryan walked up towards us. "Where's Cody?" He slung his arm around Alli's shoulder. "In the room probably getting changed." I looked back at the closed door.

"Hey Alli can I borrow your Uggs?" I didn't feel like dressing up in cute clothes. "Yeah are you okay?" I followed her towards her bunk and whispered about my situation in her ear. She pouted and handed me her Uggs. "Feel better baby girl." She gave me a side hug making me feel comfort. I put on the hugs and headed towards the door.

I walked in closing the door lightly. I looked at the bed and it was so tempting to just fall asleep. "You still not feeling well?" Cody asked slightly worried. "I feel like I'm about to pass out." I leaned my head against his chest loosely wrapping my arms around his waist. "I know but you can sleep with me in the car."  I groaned hearing a low chuckle.

"Can you get me some medicine?" He pulled out of the hug and nodded. I followed him into the kitchen as he began looking through the cabinets. "Can you be my pillow?" He  stopped looking through the cabinets shooting me a confused look. "I mean like can you cuddle with me during the car and plane rides?" He chuckled, nodding his head as he finally found a bottle of pills.

He gave me two pills and gave me a cup of water. I gladly took it wanting the pain to subside. I put the cup down in the sink and looked over at Cody. "Wait by the car okay I'm going to get your suitcases." He informed me before walking towards the room.

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