Chp. 11

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Rosie P.O.V

Alli texted me asking if I could sleepover and of course I said yes. I wanted to hang out with her and Cody before he leaves for tour. My heart still hurt every time I thought about it. I'm always now thinking about what if he forgets about our date and just leaves me wondering what i did wrong. What would I do one he goes and I have no one to hang out with? Evelyn is going to be in New York during the first half of Cody's tour and then is coming home for the rest of the year. I've actually been looking for some teen mental facilities.

I do like modeling a lot but I want to make a decision for myself. I want to get better without my mom or Aunt Marcie looking at me struggle. There is a teen mental facility about an hour away from here. I checked out everything and it just seems so peaceful there and they don't push you into eating on the first day. I think i've made my mind up after this sleepover im checking into the facility for about a month. Since i'm only sixteen I need a parent or legal gaurdian with me. I'm pretty sure my mom and Aunt Marcie will say yes to my decision.

I checked my messages and say that Cody texted me.

Cody:): Heyy are you almost done?

Me: Yeah give me a minute.

Cody:): I cant wait.:)

Me: <3 I also have to tell you something important.

Cody:): What??

Me: Its a surprise but I gotta go bye.

Cody:): Rosie?!

I just laughed ignoring his last text message. I put my phone in my back pocket walking to my Aunt's room. I knocked lightly but walked in anyway. "We need to talk." I said softly standing by her bed. She looked up from her computer and smiled. She put her computer on the side of the bed and then crossed her arms looking at me. "What about buttercup?"

I sat down beside her and sighed really nervous about what she would say. "Y'know how im grateful for everything that you've done for me right?" She nodded indicating for me to continue. "Well I really do like modeling but I feel like its taking a much slower time in my recovery. It's actually a lot more harder than I thought it would be. I've been looking at some facilities that have helped teens with my problem and I was wondering if you would let me go?" I looked up at her as she just stares at me emotionless.

"Do you think I was going to say no?" She asked finally which made me feel incredible inside. "So that's a yes?" I asked excitedly. "Yes but you have to call your mother and tell her." I shrieked hugging her tightly. I'm going to get help the help that I desperately wanted. I wonder what my mom would say once I ask her. I'm a bit more nervous to tell Kailey and Cody because there both really close to me. I broke the hug and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"I'm going to call my mom now." She just nodded grabbing her computer. I called my mom pacing up and down the hallways. "Rosie?! You've had me worried for days!" My mom's voice boomed through my phone. "I'm fine but I have to tell you something." I said rolling my eyes. "What?" She asked lowering her voice noticing how nervous I sounded. "Mom whether you say no or yes i'm still going to a teen mental facility. I love modeling but its getting really hard to be happy with my body. They're a really great faciltity and they've cured hundreds of people with eating disorders and depression. So mom what do you say?" All there was was a silence where i couldn't tell if she was even on the phone anymore.

"Yes you can go." She finally said after two painstaking minutes. "Really?" I said quite surprised that she said yes. "You're growing up and I trust you with you're decisions. But can you tell me about you and Cody? I see all of these pictures of you two holding hands and hugging." I laughed at how confused my mom was about me and him. "Honestly I don't know but he said once he gets back on tour he's taking me on a date!" I squealed into the phone. "Yay! My baby going to have a boyfriend." I stopped jumping and just shook my head even though she couldn't see me. "No mom never again." I said laughing.

She just laughed but then I heard a voice coming in the background. "I have to go honey i'll text you later I love you." i didnt get a chance to reply as she hung up the phone. I chuckled lightly and threw my phone into my small cookie monster book bag with my charger. "So what did she say?" My Aunt Marcie said overly happy. "She said yes." I said still packing my stuff. "When do you start?" Shit I forget to tell my mom that. "Tomorrow the sooner the better." I ran my fingers through my hair looking at the mirror.

I saw a girl who looked like a skeleton but with just a light covering of skin and hair. I can't believe I let myself get this way and let it haunt me to the point of where I am now. My Aunt Marcie then came into the mirror looking at me. "I am so proud of you." She said putting her hand on my shoulder tenderly. I put my hand over hers softly smiling at how much she cared for me. "Thank you so much for everything." I sighed truly meaning every single word. My Aunt Marcie was my savior and she helped me through every problem I had. She helped me through some of the bullying but mostly helped me through my dad's passing. 

"I'll see you tomorrow." I hugged her feeling how her arms felt just like my moms but yet colder. "Have fun." I nodded my head and grabbed my book bag and left leaving her standing there.

8:00 PM

Cody P.O.V

The text message left me wondering about what she could've meant. When she got here she avoided all eye contact with me and avodied my hug. It hurt a lot because just how she had her head down something was truly bothering her. Alli  and Rosie were watching Bambi in the living room and i was in my room bored. Ryan left around four since he had to go back to the states. I just had to find out why she sent me that text and then ignored me. Did she not like me? This made me even more confused and I had to find out right now.

I ran down the stairs and into the living room. They were both intently watching the movie which made me laugh. Alli looked back at me glaring and Rosie finally made eye contact with me but then dropped it. "Sorry did'nt mean to scare you." I scratched my head looking at the floor. "It's fine whats up?" Alli spoke up trying to capture my attention. "I need to talk to Rosie alone." Rosie hesitantly looked at Alli but got up anyway. "Can we go by the pool?" Her voice sounded nervous and filled with worry. 

I followed her to the pool outside and sat down on the chairs. We didn't say much at all actually it was the most tension me and her had ever. "You probably want to know whats going on right now?" She was being really quiet and shy which was barely like her. "Yeah." I didn't know what else to say. She got up and starting walking away. I got up and ran after her "Rosie stop!" I yelled pulling her arms back but she pulled them back. "Why can't you just tell me?" She turned around tears brimming her eyes." When you go on tour im going to a mental facility. Its only going to be for a month but i'm scared." I was shocked and confused about her outburst. 

"Why are you scared?" I said turning her around making her look up at me. "I don't want you forgetting me Codes and I don't know what i would do if you did." I understood every single world and honestly it made me so  happy inside. "I could never forget about you." I hugged her kissing her forehead but wishing it was her lips.

Rosie P.O.V

"So you're not mad?" I said putting my arms around his waist while this time he put his around my neck. "No I want you to get help and if this is how then okay." He said which made me all bubbly inside and weak at my knees. "Cody?" He looked down at me our lips only four inches away. "Yeah?" I leaned in a bit closer. "Have you ever of having the feeling of wanting to kiss someone?" I asked. "Yeah actually." My heart sunk a bit when I heard this. "When?" Trying to hide the pain in my voice. "Now"

I felt his lips crash down onto mine sending sparks throughout my body. It felt so right and perfect at this moment feeling his lips perfectly fitting in mine. "What the hell?" I heard a familiar voice say. We both pulled away seeing a very shocked Alli.


Cliff hanger chapter! :* Sorry if it sucks Sleeping with Sirens is getting me distracted and also school lol. I have math homework to do eww:( but anyway I hope everyone had a great first week of school<3 I hope you also enjoy this chapter goodnight:** ~ Brianna xoxo

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