Chp. 38

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Rosie P.O.V

"Ladies and Gentlemen we have landed at JFK Airport. You are now free to move around." The pilot's tired voice said making me wake up from my slumber. I looked up seeing people waking up, yawning, and reaching for their carry on bags. I peered out the window and saw that it was still dark out.

"Miss what time is it?" I asked an elderly woman who was trying to reach for her bag. "It's about four in the morning darling." I nodded my head and helped her with grabbing her bag. "Thank you." She gave me a warm smile. "You're very welcome." I gave her a small smile back.

I didn't bring any carry on bags since I managed to fit everything into my suitcases. All I brought with me on the plane was my iPhone, iPod, and headphones. As everyone made their way out of the plane I couldn't help but feel excited. I was finally going to be in New York City even if it is only for a month.

"Did you have a nice trip Ms. Gonzalez?" The pilot asked me trying to hide the exhaustion in his voice. "Yes thank you." He smiled warmly at me before saying farewell to the other passengers. Harry would be waiting for me at the gate so he could help me with my suitcases.

Since Kailey and  Niall started dating the boys have been hanging over her house a lot of times. Every time Kailey and I would try video chatting they would barge in and do crazy things. Harry was the only guy besides Niall who knew about Cody and I fights. He's like my older brother so it's funny how people think that were dating behind Cody's back.

"Rosie!" I heard that familiar British raspy voice yell. "Harry!" I yelled as I ran towards him. He ran towards me and picked me up twirling me around. "Harry why are you always hyper in the morning?" I laughed when he put he down. "I drink coffee." He replied showing me his coffee cup. "Well let's go get my bags so i can sleep." he laughed as I grabbed his hand as we walked towards the baggage claim.

"Y'know Niall was extremely happy when he heard that you ate at Nando's." Harry said as he put my luggage in his car. "He sure does love his chicken." Harry chuckled agreeing with me. "So how are you and Cody?" Well how do I put this? We had a huge argument and then had sex for about 10 minutes. "We worked things out." I smiled to myself knowing the true meaning behind it.

"So no more fighting and tears" Harry and Niall were always on the phone with Kailey whenever Cody and I got into fights. "Yeah he just... I don't know." I still don't know about what happened with Cody doing those past 4 days but it's all in the past.

You guys are perfectly fine now?" Harry pushed on. "Harry were completely fine every thing is all in the past." I ruffled his hair again making him pout. I just laughed looking out the window seeing the city lights. "Have you texted Cody yet?" I completely forgot about texting him. "Now I am." I heard him give out a light chuckle as I brought out my phone.

Cody<3: I'm alive! I miss you:'(

I waited about 5 minutes and he hasn't replied yet. He was probably sleeping still. "I have a photo shoot today." I randomly complained slumping in my seat. "Ohh I get to see you in panties." Harry wiggled his eyebrows up and down. I slapped his arm playfully giving him a glare.

"I'm going to ignore that." I turned on the radio and Summertime Sadness came on. "I got my red dress on tonight cruising down the coast going bout 99." I couldn't finish the rest since Harry quickly turned off the radio. "I never knew you could sing!" He exclaimed. "I'm not that good." I waved him off as he just sat there shocked.

  "So then if you don't think you're a good singer then why don't you post it on Instagram." He challenged me and he knows that I can't stand it when anyone does that. "Fine." I huff taking out my phone. "If i get hate I'm putting this all on you." 

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