Chp. 15

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Cody P.O.V


"Thank you Baltimore!" I yelled waving goodbye to my loyal Angels. I ran off of the stage people patting my back as I walked to my dressing room. It was hard work doing performing every day but my Angels were worth every second. "Great job Cody." My dad said patting my back as i walked over and got a water bottle. "Thanks." I was still out of breathe from doing a 3 hour concert. "So tell me whats been on you're mind lately?" i gave my dad a confused look. "What do you mean?" He walked over and sat down on the seat next me to. "I mean you've seemed more spaced out."

That was true I've been thinking about Rosie a lot lately. It's just been on replay her laugh, smile, voice ,eyes , and everything about her. "I've just been thinking about things." I said trying to avoid my dad's gaze. "So are you going to tell me or just sit there with an open water bottle?" He chuckled lightly which made me do the same. "I would tell you but you would probably tell Mom." I said taking a chug at the water. "What makes you think that?" He said tantalizing me. "Because it's a huge thing and she's really important to me." I bit my tongue as soon as I had said that.

"Well now I know that its a girl how about you tell me?" I just sighed defeated of my own words. "It is a girl and she's beautiful. Dad I'm falling for this girl and it scares me." I looked into his eyes which were feeling with care. He put his arm around my shoulder pulling me into a side hug."I went through the same thing with you're mother and look how that turned out." He said his voice filled with pride. "It's just I want to see her." Trying to steer this conversation to me getting a break."How about I talk to you're mom about you getting a break."

I nodded my head up and down still amazed at what my dad just said. "Are you being serious?!" I cheered happily. "Yes you really do seem to like this girl a lot." I really do like her maybe just maybe I love her. "I do."

~2 Days Later~

"Cody?" My mom said entering my room. "Yeah?" She woke me up so my voice was hoarse. "So you're father told me?" I tensed up at those words. My heart raced I wasn't ready to let my mom into my love life."About?" I said trying to relax. "About you missing you're friends." I sighed in relief. If my mom ever knew it was because of a girl she would fan girl over her."Oh yeah so?" I was really hoping it would be a yes. "You can go." She said waving her hand around. "But only for a week." She then added.

I ran up to and hugged her kissing her cheek. "Thank you so much." I was beyond happy and excited that I get to see Rosie." "I've never seen you this happy. Cody is there a girl you aren't telling me about?" She asked pulling away from me furrowing her eyebrows. I sighed walking to my bed and sittinng down, I might as well tell her. "Mom I've met a girl and I'm falling in love with her." I winced waiting for a 'oh my god my baby boy" but it never came.

"Rosie?"I snapped my head into her direction shocked. "Marcie told me all about how close you two were almost like me and you're father." She said her face showing true love towards my dad. I wonder if Rosie has ever had that look in her eyes whenever someone says my name. "What do I do?" I promised to take her out on this date when I get back and I still have no idea where to take her." I ran my fingers through the small knots in my hair.

"How about a picnic?" My mom spoke up. "A picnic?" I laughed at how cheesy that was. "Yeah didn't you say in one of you're interviews that a perfect date would be watching the stars and going to the beach." I nodded and realized how perfect it would be. "Mom that's perfect!" I said hugging her again.

~End Of Flashback~

Now here I am with Rosie my heart racing and the familiar butterflies flying around my stomach. Her red hair tousled into a messy bun which made her look so cute and just made her look like nothing bad has ever happened to her. I could tell the excitement was building inside her. "Are you excited?" I said watching her eyes light up at my voice. "Extremely I haven't been this happy in so long." I noticed how her accent has gotten stronger since the last time i've heard it. I smiled at her kind words "So I guess renting a part of the beach was good." Oh shit. Second time I have said something I never wanted to say. "You rented part of the beach?" She said playfully slapping my chest."Why?" I stopped walking about pulled her into my chest. "It's a surprise." I whispered our lips only 3 inches away from each other. "Oh really?" She said our lips brushing.

I got the chills rushing through my body as my eyes flickered to her eyes and lips. "Rosie just do me a favor?" Her eyes look directly into mine confused. "What?" My heart was thumbing out of my chest that I thought it would pop. "Kiss me." I didn't let her answer because my lips were tightly pressed against each other. She put her arms around my neck standing on her tiptoes as I held onto her waist. We pulled apart our breathes ragged. "They keep getting better and better." I exclaimed. She laughed while her cheeks shown red.

We began walking our hands brushed against hers sending goosebumps up my arm. She took my hand into hers fitting her fingers perfectly with mine. 'So how were you're fans?" She asked as we crossed the road together. "Amazing and I hope y'know they already have a name for us?" She raised her eyebrow at me." What is it?" I looked down at the ground "Rody." I whispered. She started to laugh stopping so she could take a breather. "Are you serious?" I laughed along with her nodding.

"Oh my god that's so cute." She finally said smiling. "Just like you." I said watching her blush. "Shut up lover boy." She said dragging me with her. "You forget I'm you're lover boy." At this point both of us were blushing at how cheesy I was being.

We arrived at the beach and walked over to the rose petals that were laid out. "Rose petals?" She questionably looked at me. "Come on love let's go find you're surprise."


Cliffhanger:* Dont worry nothing bad is going to happen next chapter. Math and Spanish homework is not fun at all. But anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :* ~ Brianna xoxo

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