■ Beginning of something again

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My eyes fluttered open, my body feeling groggy. It was pitch black outside and there were no sign of any stars or the moon. For some reason, I couldn't spot our neighbor's apartment, shouting at the TV due to a poorly played match. My stomach was growling and making really weird noises. I turned around for the pillow. It was so soft and-

When did my pillow become so soft?

My eyes opened. I tried to recognise my room. Wait.

This wasn't my room. This looked like a hotel suite. No wonder the bedsheets and mattress felt so soft. Shit, if I had to pay for the expenses, I didn't have that much. I was broke for the month after buying those dresses and by the looks of it, more than half of my next month's salary would go for a night at a place like this.

I got up, my head feeling lighter than usual. At this rate, if I didn't have anything sooner, I might have to be hospitalised. Jared didn't know my state but unfortunately, he might now.

"Wh-" I rubbed my eyes, trying to clear my vision. I saw my glasses near the bedside table and grabbed them, observing for any cracks but thankfully finding none. As I wore and the world became clear again, I looked around and realized it wasn't a hotel suite. This was a room, a lavish bedroom. I looked around the surroundings.

Holy hell, a glass wall? New York city? Where was I? I spotted my watch on the bedside table and grabbed it, checking the time. 12:30 am. I was still wearing my work clothes. Everything looked alright besides the unfamiliar environment. Panic rose my body. What the hell. Did someone take advantage of me? Where was I? I crawled to the edge, seeking for a chance to escape as I spotted slippers two sizes too big for me.

I wasn't shedding a penny for the services for wherever the hell I was. I wasn't conscious so it didn't count. I was ready to riot if anyone argued. It wasn't my choice to spend a night here. Nobody would give a bedroom this grand for free unless they wanted something in return. I wasn't giving any sexual services and I had no money, so I would have to go to the police if something inappropriate was going to happen.

"Finally you are awake. Why are you getting down? Get back up. Elle! Bring the food!" Jared suddenly walked in as I gasped in surprise.

He had his office shirt and pants, but no blazer. His hair didn't look the same neat and sleek, looking messy and dirty instead. He looked busy, opening his watch and rolling up his sleeves. Yet, he still looked hot.

He really did give special care to his appearance in the last few years, I had to admit. He might not be too muscular like those celebrities in Instagram, but he was fit. Puberty and London had been a boon for him. Then again, he had to, I guess. His presence in front of media and conferences, regular sports activities he undertook which I noticed in tabloids was bound to make him fit. The only sport I could play was badminton. He also had money, which I always felt short of at the end of the month.

My stomach made a grumbling sound as I covered it shyly, wondering what exactly was happening.

"Ja-sir?" I asked, looking around, "Where am I?"

"My home," He replied listlessly, his concentration entirely upon opening the top button of his collar. I looked away, not wanting to fawn over real life people. I did have a long list of celeb crushes anyway.

My eyes widened at his response though, "W-what? Why?"

"You fainted, so I brought you here. Called a doctor. Your sugar level is low. You need food," He said non chalantly, tapping his foot impatiently and looking outside, "If I had known earlier you were starving, instead of coffee, I would have ordered you to stuff your mouth with packets of food. You never ever go without food, it seems. So, even one missed meal makes you faint."

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