■ He did not!

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Wade would stay at his friend's tonight as he didn't wanna intrude during our family time. I think its because Alice was gonna be there. Its been almost five months I had seen them, not after I had joined the monkey's business.

I had prepared a special dinner for my family. By 8:00, I was ready to welcome them. Just as I was applying some eyeliner, the bell rang. Grinning, I ran and open the door.

"Hi Alli!" Alice came first and hugged me, throttling me.

"Hi, Al. How are you?" I hugged back. It felt great to see her after so many months.

"Wonderful. Mom and dad are driving me crazy as to when they are meeting their lovely perfect daughter," She sang.

"Alice," Mom scolded and kissed my forehead, "Hello, Alli. I missed you darling."

"Hi mom. Hi dad," I smiled as dad hugged me.

"How are you sweetheart?" Dad asked.

I knew he was speaking about Jared. Of course they heard everything. I admit I didn't speak much about this, but they knew I was troubling from inside.

"I have been better," I mumbled.

The three of them looked sadly at me. I didn't want their pity, but I guess I was gonna get loads of them.

"Forget everything. Alli, come on. We have loads to gossip," Alice pulled my hand.

"Wait, mom and dad.."

"They can chat later. I got loads to tell you," She beamed with joy.


It was 8:45 pm. We have had our dinner. Now, Alice and I were bickering over something not so important. Mom was playing the referee while dad laughed and watched the TV.

"I tell you. The Lord of the Rings is way better," Alice said.

"Sorry, mate. I prefer Harry Potter," I said.

"You are only saying because Tom Felton is there."

"You are saying because Orlando Bloom is there."

It would go on if Wade hadn't called.

"Wait. Its Wade. The battle is not over yet," I warned Alice and picked up, "Hey, Wadey! Wassup?"

"Open the E5 channel. Now," He cut the call abruptly.


"Dad? Can you please switch to E5? Wade called me. He didn't even shout when I called him Wadey. Must be pretty urgent," I said, frowning at the sudden call.

Dad switched to E5. It was Jared's interview. Live. He was speaking about the economy, giving tips on business models and answering questions on future overtake of his father's company, being one of the youngest entrepreneurs.

"It's Jared!" Alice said.

"Thank god you said it. I was going along the lines of Loch ness monster," I rolled my eyes.

"My my. The boy has grown so much," Mom said.

"I agree. It still seems yesterday when he was a young boy and took our Alli to dates," Dad quipped.

I wasn't arguing or contributing to this conversation.

It was about to end when another reporter cropped up.

"So, Mr. Grey. A personal question. Recently, your engagement got cancelled as Ms. Schoff said 'irreconcilable differences.' Care to elaborate?" A reporter asked.

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