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Grace tried focusing on the plus side of her life.  She She started going to college, she worked as s telecommunicator on weekdays and helped Priya in Library on weekends.  Her routine had changed. 
She now takes yoga classes in the morning to cope with her depression,stress and life in general. 
She now goes to college in the morning from 9 AM to 3PM and returns home. She takes a bath and checks out all the news about Zac on the Internet whenever she has time. On the weekends, she'd spend time with her new bestfriend Priya.  Grace missed Meg. Priya was a great friend and sometimes reminded Grace of Meg. Grace knew that no can take Zac's place in her life. So,she was not really looking at the Indian guys or the foreign guys living in India.  She just took s break from all the madness, she knew she didn't want to start a new madness that she couldn't run away from. 
That's what really bugged Grace. She was never the type who just runs away from difficult situations. She is a fighter. Or was a fighter. The reason she didn't fight was Zac was too precious to lose. She couldn't risk losing him.
Sometimes, Grace took time to see what the tabloids are saying about Zac, she Googled "Zac Octavia's news " everyday to keep tabs on what Zac was doing.  She used to check his social media.  She realized that he didn't delete her pictures from his galleries.  She could just simply tear his all layers apart and simply see what was going in his mind and soul just by looking into his eyes. Sometimes, she'd cry for hours together, missing him and restraining herself from calling him or sending him a message.
She mediated 30 minutes a day to keep her mind off of everything and just find her inner peace. 
She just couldn't find any peace after the mediation, of course.  But it did help her cope with the pain and controlling her emotions and keeping calm.
She bought a new TV for her apartment, a flat screen Plasma 56 inches.  She bought that from a part of her first salary and a part of the amount that was still lying in the bank from her dad's cheque. 
She called Priya to hang out with her.
They both ordered pizza and some Cocacola and were watching TV while eating the pizza.
"So,Grace... Did you hear from Zac? " asked Priya.
"Nope. He's quite happy without me, actually " says Grace looking at the TV
"Really? " asks Priya a little shocked.
"Yup. He's dating other women " says Grace while getting off the couch and walking towards the study table to grab the laptop on it.
"See this" says Grace handing over the laptop which was displaying Zac's latest hook up with Sophia on a popular website.
"Grace, why are you showing me Zac Octavia's news here?" asks Priya unknown of the fact that Grace was dating Zac this whole time.
"because I have been dating him... " says Grace confirming.
"WHAT???!!" exclaims Priya.
"SERIOUSLY? " she continued
"as hard it is to believe... This is the truth " says Grace softly.
"So,he's dating this woman? " asks Priya scrolling through the site's feed about Zac.
"He hooked up with her. He's moving on...I'm glad he's getting over me" says Grace hurting inside but smiling on the outside.
"You gotta stop lying. I know you love him. Anyone who has been with you knows that you love him more than anything " says Priya.
"sorry " says Grace apologizing.
Priya just winked at Grace and smiled. 
She patted her on the shoulder.
"Now stop obsessing over him. He's moving should you" says Priya.
"didn't you just say that I'm still in love with Zac?" asked Grace
"Well, what love has got to do with sex?" asks Priya.
"seriously? " asks Grace rolling her eyes.

Grace was literally obsessed with Zac's news feed. She followed him on social media with a fake account and checked out his latest news by googling him everyday. 
She knew this was not a good idea but she couldn't help herself. 
She used to go through his pictures and stare into his eyes for hours together. 
"When will I forget you,Zac?" asked Grace as heart frowned when she thought of all the good times with Zac.

How I Love You (Zac Efron & A Non-Famous Girl)Where stories live. Discover now