Another Universe?: Introducing The Infamous Trio

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Rin grumbled to himself, trudging through Gehenna clumsily, trying to keep sleep from overpowering him.

"Damn defiant demons," he muttered tiredly. "I can never catch a break."

Rin paused, yawning and rubbing his eyes. He stretched and continued on.

His eyes slipped shut for a few moments, but he opened them immediately afterward.

Those few moments were just enough.

Rin stumbled, tripping, and sent himself flying forward.

Unfortunately, defeating his father, Satan, and becoming King of Gehenna didn't make him less clumsy when he was tired.

Rin was awake in seconds, eyes wide in panic as he fell through a black hole.

A portal, it was. Gehenna existed in all dimensions and different portals led to different portions of Gehenna that lied in other universes.

Some portals led to other parts of Gehenna that lied in other worlds. Some led straight to the other worlds, landing demons in the other worlds on Assiah. Rin prayed he landed in the other portions of Gehenna.

Sadly, he had horrible luck. Maybe it was the curse of being Satan's son.


Rin blinked slowly, blurriness fading from his vision.

He stood up and dusted himself off, glancing at his surroundings.

He'd landed himself in Assiah. A different universe, though.

Rin's eyes caught the sign 'Amity Park' and cursed to himself.

He did not have time for things like this. Rin wondered if he could create a Gehenna Gate back, but abandoned the idea the moment it was created.

That would surely lead demons to the area. Rin couldn't feel any demonic presences in this world, leading him to believe that demons didn't come here often, if at all. Rin didn't want to be the cause of helping demons invade this world.

Bad luck seemed to trail him, for it was light out, not dark. It would be harder to hide now, if somebody hadn't seen him yet, at least.

Rin checked around, making sure nobody had seen him. Luckily, he was alone.

He looked down at his attire and grimaced. If someone saw his clothes, he was going to get some weird looks.

He wore a flaming, blue crown, along with a dark, navy cloak. He had a black, long-sleeved shirt with dark combat boots. Dark jeans with a chain hanging off one side hugged his legs. His sword was hanging off his shoulder in its sheath and red covering.

Rin scowled at how he was still in his demonic appearance, and scolded himself. What if someone had seen?

His ears were long, narrowed, and pointed. His teeth long, sharp, and prominent. Blue flaming horns adorned his head, and a blue flame flickered at the tip of his tail.

His nails were sharp, iris's jagged and sharp, as well. His pupils were a bright, slitted, blood red.

Rin's tail lashed back and forth behind him in annoyance.

During his battle with Satan, Rin had snapped his sword and took back his demon heart.

He'd always lost control before because he tried to reject them or control them. During Satan and his battle, Rin had accepted them instead.

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