Meeting Nate and Sam: Into Uncharted Territories

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It'd been about two days since his flashback.

Rin had managed to push the memories away and focus on getting home once again.

Luckily, Lizzy had informed him that he was to take one to two weeks off, and if he didn't, she'd fire him.

Rin smiled to himself slightly, amused at how Lizzy treated him like glass.

If anything, he was a steel wall, never to let himself fall or be penetrated.

Not again.

He shook his head, scowling. He chided himself. Thinking about that got him nowhere.

'Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The war's over. What is done is done, end of story.'

His heart still clenched all the same.


Rin's ears worked themselves to hear any conversation that was nearby or faraway.

He stopped, ears picking up an interesting conversation.

"So? We can't let Rafe get that, Nate. You know what'll happen. This is for both of us. To save you, to save me." A male's voice sounded about a mile away.

"I know, Sam! You don't think I don't know that! You're my brother, and I've always had your back. I'm just saying, we can't go in guns blazing. We need a plan," another male responded, most likely Nate.

"And I've got one. It involves one Victor Sullivan." Nate continued.

"Alright, but Sullivan has crossed people before." 'Sam' sighed.

"Not us," Nate said.

"Not you." Rin heard Sam correct Nate. "What if he steals the cross for himself, huh? What then?"

"Trust him, Sam. If not him, trust me," Nate pleaded.


A tingle shot down Rin's spine. Rin smirked to himself, throwing the hood of his blue hoodie over his eyes.

"Looks like I've got myself an adventure."


Lizzy yawned, and blinked. Her eyes furrowed in worry.

Something was wrong.

She shot out of bed and raced down the hall to Rin's room.

She slammed the door open and was devastated to find no sign of Rin or Kuro.

Her eyes caught a glimmer of white paper. She walked over and picked it up from the bed.

'Kuro and I will be gone for month or two. Take care of yourself, and don't worry about me. I've survived this long, haven't I?' -Rin

Lizzy frowned, worry pitting in her stomach.

"Yeah, this long."


Rin put a finger to his lips, effectively telling Kuro to stay silent.

Kuro nodded in understanding.

"Okay, but Rafe's been searching for the treasure for years. He hasn't found it yet. What makes you think we will?" Nate asked.

Rin silently overlooked them. Both had brown hair, but one was taller. Nate had short brown hair while Sam, his supposed brother, had his hair longer. They both looked around twenty or thirty.

"I'm pretty sure Rafe doesn't have this." Sam smirked and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. He handed it to Nate.

Nate looked at it. "It's the Saint Dismas Cross. So what?"

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