Visiting Clockwork and Rin's Masks

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Kuro waited patiently for Rin to get back as he lay on the bed.

When the handle jiggled, Kuro clambered to all fours, tail swaying eagerly to see his master and friend again.

Kuro was quick to leap off the bed and scamper under it when Lizzy came into view, a sleeping Rin in her arms.

Kuro peeked out from under the bed to watch as Lizzy set Rin onto the comforter gently.

She stood back and observed him. "You're just a child, young and lost, aren't you? Yet, your eyes tell stories of which only soldiers should hold. Why are you, one so young, going through something that obviously isn't what you want? Who are you, Rin? Who are you really?"

Kuro smiled to himself. Despite this woman being human and having just met Rin, she had grown to care and worry for him. Kuro was sure that she would still feel the same even after she found out about Rin's true nature, if she ever did.

Kuro desperately wanted to climb out from the shadows beneath, jump onto the bed and curl up beside Rin in front of Lizzy, but thought better of it.

Maybe some other time he would, but for now, Kuro was content watching Lizzy leave, and then curling up beside Rin.

Unconsciously, Rin's arms wrapped around Kuro's small body.

Kuro didn't mind, snuggling up against Rin happily.

Lizzy had a point. Rin wore lots of masks.

At times, he could be a brave, strong soldier, fearing nothing, not even death.

He could be the weakling, the small, pitiful boy everyone bullied.

He could be the smart, talented, responsible, and rational boy that everyone agreed with.

He could be the freak, the hot-headed demon that everyone feared with their lives.

He could be an idiot, a kid with no brain, a teen who had the mind of a five year old.

He could be a kind boy with nothing but purity in his heart.

Rin pretended to be lots of things for his friends' safety and happiness, sometimes his own.

Rin was much more than those masks, though. Rin was childish, but was serious when it came time to be. Rin could be very scary, but he was truly kind to those who deserved it. Rin acted like an idiot, but he was much smarter than many took him for. Rin was always brave and strong, ready to face anything that came his way, but he still feared things. Rin was rational, but also impulsive and very hot headed.

Few knew who Rin really was, and Kuro was glad to admit he was one of them.


Rin woke early in the morning, having no help from Lizzy, but Kuro's fur tickled his face in a comforting way.

"Did Lizzy see you?" Rin yawned.

"Did you hear a scream?" Kuro asked lazily.

"No," Rin replied calmly.

"Then I think we're in the clear," Kuro rolled his eyes, stretching and leaping off the bed onto the wooden floorboards.

Rin propped his head up with his hand, staring at Kuro. Slowly, a grin made its way to the corners of Rin's mouth.

It was nice to have Kuro with him.


"Clockwork? Are you here?" Danny called as he floated about Clockwork's tower.

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