ID Complications and Rude Mothers

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"Do you really need my ID? I mean," Rin laughed nervously. "it's not like you need it."

"I do need it," Lizzy mocked the young cook. "I need verification."

"Well, I kinda lost it." Rin gave a sheepish smile.

"You lost it?" Lizzy gave him an incredulous look. "Why don't I believe that?"

"I'm clumsy, okay!" Rin whined, "Sue me!"

Lizzy raised a brow at the kid. "Okay."

"Wait!" Rin spoke in hurried tone. "Don't sue me! I don't have that kind of money!"

"I was kidding," Lizzy deadpanned.

"Oh, thank god." Rin breathed a sigh of relief.

"I still need that ID, though," Lizzy said.

"What?! But I-" Rin fumbled for an answer.

"Kid," Lizzy narrowed her eyes, a concerned glint in her chocolate orbs. "why are you so against giving me your ID? You're sixteen, right? You have to have one."

"I do have one! I swear! It's just," Rin paused. "at home."

"Then go get it," Lizzy told him.

"I can't!" Rin threw his hands in the air.

"Why not?" Lizzy didn't raise her voice. She kept calm.

"I just- can't!" Rin stumbled over his words.

Lizzy stared at him for a moment, analyzing him. "How badly do you need this job?"

Rin jerked slightly, surprised at the sudden change in topic, but he figured it had something to do with the ID complication. "Badly. I-my family isn't doing well right now, I guess you could say we're living in the gutters."

"Okay," Lizzy sighed. "I'll trust you. You don't need to give me your ID, but kid?"

"Yeah?" Rin hesitantly replied.

"Don't try and lie to me." She stood up as she said this, turning around and staring at Rin. "If you're homeless, you could've just told me."

"How'd you-!" Rin couldn't finish.

"You look dirty, you don't smell very good, no offense, and you were strongly against giving me your ID, but despite that, you were desperate for this job," Lizzy explained.

"So what if I don't live anywhere?" Rin hissed bitterly. "I can take care of myself just fine."

"You probably can," Lizzy agreed, "but if you're going to be working here, you need clean clothes, a shower, a toothbrush, and a stable roof over your head."

"I don't exactly have access to such luxuries," Rin grumbled.

"You don't, but I do." Lizzy smiled.

"Are you asking me to-?" Rin stopped. "I can't!"

"Why not?" She asked him.

"I'd just be in the way! I'd be invading you and your personal space! I don't want you to pity me!" Rin frowned.

"I don't pity you," Lizzy said, "I'm just being generous. Now, take the offer or I'll squeeze those elf ears so hard they'll fall off."

Rin gaped at her before slowly smiling. "Are you mocking me?"

"If I am?" She smiled.

"I'd say thanks that you aren't so awkward around me. A lot of people tend to find my attitude intimidating." Rin's mouth was upturned softly.

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