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Rin had to laugh at Danny's unmanly screech of shock when he teleported in front of him in his room.

"Rin!" Danny whined.

Rin blinked when he realized Danny had been in the middle of changing.

Blood seeped into Rin's cheeks and traveled to his ears. "This is awkward."

"Yeah, no kidding." Danny was red in the face as well.

Upon closer inspection, Rin noticed scars, many scars. Barely any undamaged skin existed. They crisscrossed, some were big and jagged while others were small and thin, but they were all noticeable.

One of the more noticeable ran from his left hip to his right shoulder at the front, at least an inch wide. The edges were sharp and jagged.

Rin stared. Danny frowned and pulled his shirt on. "Looks hideous, huh?"

"No. It looks familiar." As awkward as it was, Rin pulled his own shirt off.

His body looked like Danny's, scars everywhere, big and small. One wrapped around his collarbone just below what a shirt would be able to hide, trailing down all the way to his lower back. It was jagged as well, widening as it ran down his spine, an inch wide at the least.

Another one was on his chest, a thin, but visible scar, that went trailed up the middle of his stomach in one line, splitting into two lines, connecting to his navels in the shape of a 'Y'.

Danny swallowed. "How...?"

"I got too cocky using my flames in the beginning. Someone who happened to be a scientist saw me, knocked me out, and you can see where that led. They didn't know what I was, so they decided to try and find out," Rin told the half ghost solemnly.

"You went through that? You went through that, yet you still came to help me, knowing you'd be seeing what you didn't want to see ever again." Danny breathed.

"I may have made a mistake, but I wouldn't let anyone else go through what I did. Especially not you," Rin said, as if the answer was obvious.

"What about the other scars?" Danny asked hoarsely.

"Being an exorcist isn't all fun and games, not when you're dealing with demons. Being the spawn of Satan also places the risks of other exorcists coming to try and kill me," Rin replied.

"The one around your neck and back...?" Danny hesitated to ask, but did anyway.

"I was almost hung, but my brother cut the rope before it could kill me. The rope had blades on it made of holy silver. When my brother cut the rope, it fell onto my back when I hit the floor. It's blades were bigger at the top. It dug into my back and tore all the way down it like a saw, but messier."

Danny bit his lip, then lifted his shirt to show the jagged scar across his stomach and chest. "Skulker captured me once, a long time ago. He got a lucky hit in with his new ghost-proof knife. He's a messy butcher." Danny laughed humorlessly. "I have more like that, but most of them are just minor."

Rin smiled slightly. "We're a lot more alike then we thought, huh?"

"Definitely." Danny agreed. "Hey, Rin?"


"The other day, you mentioned a demon's tail is its weak spot. What did you mean?" Danny asked.

Demons and Ghosts, Hell's King and King of the DeadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon