Wolves and Bleeding Cuts

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Slowly, stealthily, cunningly was the key, like a wolf stalking its prey. Literally.

Rin, in his wolf form that he secretly enjoyed being in, prowled along the edge of darkness, watching the female goth walk along peacefully.

Coincidentally, Rin happened to discover Sam walking home around midnight from the Skulk and Lurk. Since there had been a poetry night, Sam had gone.

Rin was ecstatic, his target vulnerable for him to injure just the right way.

Rin did put the fact that Sam probably wasn't as defenseless as she looked into mind. The girl did run around fighting ghosts with her (obvious) half-ghost crush, after all.

The smart thing to do was to catch her off guard when she wasn't looking. He would be able to give her a temptaint a lot quicker and more efficient that way.

Not to brag, but Rin would be able to easily overpower the goth if she were to fight back. Although, it didn't change the fact that catching her off guard was the quickest path to take.

Rin jumped slightly when a ringing sound echoed from Sam's pocket.

She opened her phone and put it to her ear. "What's up, Danny?"

The familiar tone was muffled, and Rin didn't feel need to listen to the conversation.

"No, I'm just coming back from the Skulk and Lurk. It was poetry night," Sam said.

It was as if an imaginary lightbulb appeared over Rin's head. If Rin attacked her now, there was a good chance she would scream from surprise and drop her phone. Obviously, Danny would hurry to help her, and if Rin was lucky, he would bring Tucker along.

Rin leapt out from the shadows, effectively managing to pin Sam down, phone clattering across the sidewalk.

Sam screamed, not expecting the sudden attack, and Danny's voice yelled through the speakers. "Sam! Sam, what's going on?!"

Rin mentally apologized to Sam and smashed her phone with his paw on 'accident.'

He growled at her and lunged. Sam dodged, like Rin expected, and he managed to get a decent sized scratch on her arm, similar to Jazz's, though a bit longer, deeper than what Rin had originally been aiming for.

Sam clutched her arm and hissed slightly, but was otherwise fine.

Sam slowly backed away as Rin growled threateningly at her as to make the act more believable.

"I don't get it," Sam muttered, "Wolves don't randomly attack out of nowhere unless they have rabies, and this one doesn't seem to have anything wrong with him. How is a wolf even in the city anyway?"

Rin mentally cheered when Danny swooped down in ghost form, eyes wide with panic. Sadly, Tucker was not present.

"Sam! Are you okay?!" He asked.

"I'm fine. This wolf just attacked me." Sam sighed, backing away a bit more, clutching her arm. "It scratched me, but otherwise, I'm fine."

Rin immediately lunged at Danny, pleading that it was too sudden for Danny to go intangible.

Luck was on his side, it seemed, for Rin managed a claw scratch to his leg, tearing the suit and drawing ectoplasm, which probably substituted for blood while a ghost.

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