Meeting Lizzy

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Rin wasn't too worried about the stunt he'd pulled on Vlad. It could easily be put off as a stupid joke or prank. Scaring the man was well and fun, and nobody was hurt in the process, so Rin didn't mind too much that the man might be the slightest bit suspicious. Rin figured Vlad would put it off as some stupid joke anyway.


Vlad watched the kid walk off, mildly disturbed.

It was just some kid, most likely around Daniel's age and definitely not a threat. The 'going to Hell' statement was probably a childish joke the boy had wanted to pull.

Despite these reasonable assumptions, something about the kid gave Vlad goosebumps, and a slight doubt that it was all just a joke was implanted into his head.

Against the boy, Vlad somehow felt useless and weak. It was a feeling Vlad did not like and hated himself for feeling when faced with some harmless teenager.

Vlad inwardly scowled, temporarily convincing himself that maybe the nerves were caused by the teen's inhumanly sharp teeth.


Rin may have found the solution to food, but water and clothing was another thing entirely. There were no fresh-water sources for a few miles, and he only had one set of clothing.

He'd have to somehow find a job, but that thought made Rin cringe. Getting a job would set the Demon King back entirely on his mission to travel home. He'd have less time to figure out his game plan, but it was a necessary evil, Rin supposed.

There were three problems that came along with it. First, where would he find a job that he was good at? Second, was anyone hiring? Finally, where was he going to get an ID?

He could look around Amity to search for any hiring places, but the only job Rin could think of that he would be able to do at full ability was cooking.

He remembered seeing a place called 'The Nasty Burger' when he was wandering. It wasn't a very appealing name, but he'd seen the amount of teens there after school the day before. It was probably a popular hangout, and the food there couldn't be drop-dead disgusting if people went there so often.

On the other hand, Rin preferred to work somewhere where there was multiple food choices and different platters. Rin loved to expand his options on food, and cooking new dishes was always a welcomed challenge.

The Nasty Burger really only sold meat and the occasional salad. It wasn't very big on expanding its menu.

Rin licked his lips anxiously. He hadn't searched the whole city, and there were probably other places he could cook at.

Rin's eyes glinted with determination. It was time for him to get a job.


Rin smiled brightly when he came across a restaurant with a sign in the window that said 'Now Hiring.'

The restaurant was called 'Eclipse.' It was a modern restaurant, but when Rin took a look on the interior, it was nice.

He looked at the menu from the counter, reading over the almost endless list of dishes.

There were options for vegetarians, vegans, meat eaters, all of it!

Rin grinned eagerly. This was perfect! He wondered if they needed any cooks.

Rin cleared his throat. "Excuse me? I was wondering if I could get a job here?"

The woman at the desk raised an eyebrow. She had short, red hair and brown eyes. "Oh? You look a bit young."

"I'm sixteen," Rin said nervously, shifting on his feet.

Demons and Ghosts, Hell's King and King of the DeadHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin