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Sorry for the late update! I've been staining our treehouse bridge all day!

Rin wondered what Lilac would think when she realized he was gone, what she would do when she found out he wasn't in Amity anymore. He tried not to dwell too much, but he would miss her, and he knew she would be devastated at his disappearance.

"Sleep tight, Lizzy." Rin smiled softly at the sleeping woman in her bed.

Rin was out the window before Lizzy even felt the breeze.


"Okay, so Rin's blood, Gehenna artifact, and a natural Ghost Zone portal?" Maddie summarized, looking at the four for confirmation.

"That about sums it up. What we do with it is the question." Danny sighed.

"Jazz is smart. Maybe she can help us?" Tucker suggested.

"It's late, Tucker. She's at Harvard and needs her rest. If we ask her, it will be during the day when she has free time," Rin replied.

"Your theory was that your blood went into the engravings?" Maddie asked.

"Keyword is theory." Rin reminded her.

"It doesn't hurt to give it a try." Jack shrugged.

Rin nodded and set the disk on the table. Transforming his pointer finger's nail into a claw, he cut himself.

Blue-tinted blood dripped from his arm and into the crevices of the artifact.

Luckily, the disk only needed one or two drops because the cut healed over too quick for anymore blood to come out.

Once the blood had filled the creases, the flame design glowed, the blood hardening, making the flame look like it was outlined with red.

"Woah..." They all gasped.

"That confirms one theory," Sam said, "but what about the natural portal?"

"The disk and a natural Ghost Zone portal?" Jack hummed. "Maybe Danny just creates one and we throw the disk in?"

"I don't think it's that simple, Jack." Maddie frowned.

"Aw..." Jack pouted.

"How else do we activate it?" Danny wondered.

"It's late, so after school tomorrow, we can go to the library. It has to have something written on demons, even if it is all myths. Hopefully, there is something in the books that gives us a hint on what to do," Sam told them.

"Okay. I'll take Sam home. Rin, can you take Tucker?" Danny asked.

"No problem, lovebirds." Rin laughed and teleported himself and a hysterical Tucker away before Sam could throw her boot at him.

It didn't stop them from yelling, "We're not lovebirds!"


Lizzy furrowed her eyebrows at Rin in the car. "Are you okay? You seem tired."

"It's just stress. I was up late last night thinking about stuff," Rin replied, yawning slightly. "I'll be fine."

"If you say so..." Lizzy eyed him, but let him out of the car when they arrived at Casper without trouble.

She drove away and Rin sighed, staring at the building. "I do say so."

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