Rin's Issues

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Rin's arm was pulled free suddenly as a transparent Plasmius hung in his grip, snarling.

Vlad dropped to his knees, falling unconscious. Plasmius continued to snarl, but couldn't phase from the half demon's grip.

Rin grit his teeth. "Say hello to oblivion, Plasmius." Blue flames encircled Plasmius, and the ghost started to shriek and scream in what sounded to be pain and fear.

The flames exploded, making everyone except Rin duck and cover their eyes. It died down soon after, and Plasmius was gone.

"...What happens now?" Tucker asked, "If Vlad isn't half ghost anymore, then couldn't he just reveal Danny now?"

"Unless you have a device that could erase the memories of him and Danny being half ghost and replacing them with more human-like memories, then we'll have to settle for threatening him with the option of eternity in Gehenna." Rin shrugged.

"What about after you leave?" Maddie wondered.

"Hopefully, the threat will stick," Rin said.

"Mads and I can try to make a device that will erase Vlad's memories!" Jack bellowed.

"For now, let's just drop him off in his mansion and leave a note. That's all we can do for now." Sam sighed.


Vlad blinked as he looked around the living room of his mansion, vision slightly blurry for a few moments.

Memories came rushing back to him. Rin, demons, Maddie, Jack, Daniel, his friends, his ghost half getting ripped out.

He furrowed his eyebrows at the note stuck to his forehead. He scowled and pulled it off.

'I'm sure you know what's happened up until now, but if you even so much as think of exposing Danny, an eternity of Gehenna will only be one of the many consequences you will face. - The King of Gehenna

Vlad scowled. "Butter biscuits!"


Rin stared at his ceiling, thinking about the events that took place today.

A knock sounded on his door, opening a crack, Lizzy poking her head in. "Rin?"

"Yeah?" He murmured softly.

Lizzy sighed, walking over and sitting on his bed next to his legs. "Are you okay?"

Kuro meowed next to him, draping himself above Rin's head on the pillows.

"I'm fine, Lizzy. Just stress. I get to come back to work tomorrow, right?" Rin looked at her curiously.

"Yes, Rin." Lizzy laughed lightly. "You know, most people would embrace the chance to get off work."

"It's the only thing that makes me feel human anymore. It makes me feel as if my life is normal...even just a bit." Rin closed his eyes slowly, a tingling feeling shooting through his head at the action, soothing him.

Lizzy looked at the boy sadly. Of course that was the reason, why wouldn't it be? Lizzy wished it was different. "I'm sorry, Rin."

"Why? You being here for me is enough." Rin smiled at her, eyes still shut.

"Why wouldn't I be? It doesn't matter what you are, you're still Rin," Lizzy told him.

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