Hunting and Money Problems

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Rin didn't notice how time swept by him so quickly. It was dark before he knew what hit him.

"Damn, I'm getting distracted," Rin muttered, "I need to find a place to sleep, first off."

Rin wandered for a short amount of time, searching for any place that was secluded and where nobody stepped foot in.

He wandered around the back of the city, finding a small, abandoned, dirty wooden shack. It looked as if it was once used as a shed. It wasn't much, but it would do. He'd had much worse sleeping conditions before.

He stepped inside and searched for the cleanest spot he could manage to find. He swept away the dust and curled up in it.

It was uncomfortable, curling up like that. Rin had a better idea, but didn't know if he could master it.

Supposedly, Rin had some sort of animal form. Mephisto's was a dog, Amaimon's was a hamster, and from what he'd heard, Satan's had been a white wolf.

He'd been practicing and it had gotten easier to transform into it, but it was still a skill he had yet to completely master.

Rin shrugged it off, transforming anyway.

His animal form was a wolf, like father like son, but his wolf was black like his hair and had the same, deep, blue eyes his human form held.

He curled up again, this time more comfortably, and drifted off, pushing away his worries for tomorrow.


The bright sun awoke him, streaming through the cracks in the small shack.

Rin yawned and stretched, blinking away the sleepiness. He shook his fur, padding out the front of the shack.

He shifted back to his human form and cracked his back, the bones being shifted back into proper place.

Rin surveyed the area, but his stomach growled before he could do anymore searching.

He frowned, wondering how he was going to get food without any money. He never carried his wallet with him in Gehenna. That was a stupid idea, since he now regretted that.

Rin continued to rack his mind for any way to find easy money, but the only idea that came to mind was getting a job, pick pocketing, or searching for some on the streets.

He needed an ID to get a job, and even if he had one, his age would consider him to be in school, meaning he'd only get part time.

Rin didn't want to pick pocket. That's the last thing Rin wanted to resort to. He wasn't a thief.

Picking up money off the streets was a luck's game. It was highly unlikely Rin would find anything more than a couple quarters or pennies.

Rin huffed. He didn't have many options, and Rin was sure he'd starve to death in a week if he didn't get food soon.

Rin, in desperation, searched for loose change in his pockets, but came up short. His pockets were empty of anything except the red bag he'd stuffed into one while trying to hide his sword and other attire.

Rin refused to beg for money on the streets. Maybe it was his stubbornness, or maybe it was just his pride that kept him from degrading himself like that.

Rin tugged at his black, navy blue-tinted hair. He was supposed to find a way home, and he couldn't do that without having some sort of food source. He needed some type of energy.

Food source! That was it! He didn't need to buy any food, he could hunt for some!

The problem was, he didn't know if the city had any wild animals. Rabbits, birds, and squirrels would do, but Rin wondered if there was any bigger animals around, like deer.

Rin stopped himself from drooling, shaking off the thoughts of a big, juicy, deer.

'Focus, Rin!' He yelled mentally.

From the looks of it, there wouldn't be many big animals, only smaller ones. Maybe farther out were some deer, but Rin wasn't going to travel a few miles just to get a deer when a few rabbits and birds would do the trick.


Hunting for food was not a new concept for Rin. Plenty of exorcist missions led his friends and him to learn to hunt for food, since some missions lasted for days, even weeks or months. Rin had always suggested using his flames to make the fire, but it usually attracted demons, and the group agreed that it was better to learn how to make one naturally since Rin wouldn't always be there to light one for them. Rin didn't object, since the statement was very true.

Fortunately, demons didn't come to this world and his group wasn't with him, so he would be able to cook the food with his flames.

Rin came across an oblivious rabbit. It was just sitting there, nosing the ground and slowly hopping. Rin drooled at the sight of meat, creeping up behind the small beast. His stealth had improved immensely over the past few months. He had the Demon Kings' help for that. After becoming King, Rin demanded training with his flames and other yet-to-be-discovered demon abilities. He had discovered quite a few with the training his half brothers provided him.

He also discovered he was able to turn himself into a floating orb of blue light. It was used to travel quickly, slip through small spaces, and even possess. Rin would never have the nerve to do that though, since he didn't know if his power would kill the host like Satan's power did. He'd never tried to possess anyone or anything before, and he didn't want to get negative results, so he skipped the topic of possession.

Rin lunged, easily killing the small mammal by sinking his fangs into its neck. The rabbit went limp and Rin detached his mouth, spitting to get rid of the hair that clung to his tongue.

He carried the bunny back to his small hideout and placed it on the grass behind it. He grabbed lose twigs on the ground and picked up multiple small rocks to make a small circle to contain the fire. Once that was complete, Rin let a blue flame light the twigs, but kept it at low power as to not melt the stones or disintegrate the twigs and ground.

Rin pulled his sword from the seal on his stomach, impaling the body onto the blade and held it over the fire, turning it back and forth slowly, just so it cooked evenly.

Rin was glad for his talent of cooking. Too bad he had no seasonings.


On the way to Casper High, Tucker suddenly stopped, causing Sam to crash into his back.

"What-? Tucker, keep moving!" She growled.

Danny paused and turned around to face his two friends. "What's up?"

"I smell meat," Tucker told them, sniffing the air. "It's rabbit."

"Rabbit?" Danny raised a brow. "Who cooks rabbit nowadays?"

"It's rabbit," Tucker said in a firm tone. "I know it is. My nose has never failed me before. It's definitely rabbit."

"Even if it is rabbit," Sam sighed. "who would cook rabbit for breakfast? It's about 7:00 in the morning."

"I'm not sure." Danny shrugged. "Tucker, can you tell where it's coming from?"

Tucker sniffed the air again. "It's coming from the east. Not even a mile away."

"Why do you two even care?" Sam huffed. "Let's get to school."

Danny nodded, and the group was walking towards Casper High again.

'Whoever's cooking that rabbit, they've got talent,' Tucker thought, trying to keep from drooling. 'It smells really good!'

Chapter Two complete! Bye my doggies!

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