Going Home: Finale

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Rin appeared below Danny, leaping up again to settle next to the half ghost. "Did you find it?!"

"I think so! It's located at the top, in the middle of where its head looks to be!" Danny replied, launching green fire-like ectoblasts from his palms, burning every area the fire hit.

"Okay, then let's head higher!" Rin shouted, leaping higher somehow while Danny flew, gaining height.

Rin swayed backward, pointing his sword toward the rot demon's heart. "Back up and shield your eyes! This is gonna be bright!"

Danny did as he was told, flying backward farther and farther away, eyes squinted and ready for the brightness that the half ghost knew was to come.

Rin gathered his power and watched as it built up at the tip of his sword, the orb of blue light growing and getting brighter each second.

Under a minute, the light had expanded to the size of the Impure King's whole body, Rin a speck against the power that he wielded.

With a loud battle cry, Rin surged forward, swinging his sword forward, sending the energy flying toward its target. Once the power made contact, it exploded, blinding Rin and Danny, along with the cameras that recorded them live, turning every viewer blind to the actual happenings.

From inside shelter, every citizen in Amity Park was blinded by the sudden white-blue light that shone through their windows.

It died down after a minute, and the Impure King was gone.

Danny laughed, flying toward Rin as the half demon planted himself on solid ground. "You did it!"

Rin smiled. "We did it."

Danny turned back to human, landing beside Rin.

At that moment, people flooded outside, exiting houses, shops, and Casper High.

Sam and Tucker raced forward, tackling Danny and Rin in a hug. "You two gave us heart attacks!"

Rin laughed, tail wagging. "What, did you really think we were that weak? I'm not the King of Demons for nothing, you know!"

Danny crossed his arms. "And I'm not the King of Ghosts for no reason either."

Tucker rolled his eyes, then gave Rin a guilty look. "The news caught the whole thing on camera. Your identity is compromised."

"Figures," Rin drawled sarcastically.

"Wait, did anyone see me transform?" Danny asked worriedly.

"No. Rin's light show short circuited the cameras. Too much power probably." Sam laughed.

Danny sighed in relief. "Thank Clockwork."

Moments later, Danny's parents came running through the sea of citizens. "Danny!" Maddie cried, "Are you hurt? Any broken bones? Bruises?"

"Mom, I'm fine!" Danny tried to wave her off.

"Of course you are! You're a Fenton!" Jack boomed in pride.

"I-" Rin was cut off as people seemed to go into a mass panic, watching Rin with wide eyes.

"Rin!" A voice shouted from the crowd.

A woman burst through, short, red hair flying and brown eyes wide with frantic worry. A cat sat on her shoulder. Once she spotted the half demon, she lunged forward, arms wrapping around his still-burning frame. "You dumbass! Don't ever scare me like that again! King of Hell or not, I will kill you next time!"

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