Ghost Fights and Mr. Masters

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Rin licked his lips after finishing his meal.

"Mm." Rin hummed. "Juicy!"

The King of Gehenna stood up, stretching and put out the fire.

He ruffled his own hair, trudging back towards civilization.

He had some exploring to do.


Danny's ghost sense went off, and his hand shot up immediately.

"Yes, Mr. Fenton?" Mr. Lancer asked, his tone irritated.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Danny asked desperately. Sam and Tucker looked at him, concerned, but knowingly.

"Yes, Mr, Fenton." Mr. Lancer sighed, knowing that denying the boy would lead nowhere.

"Thanks!" Danny exclaimed, out the door before the word was even finished.

Once Danny made it to the stalls, he went ghost and flew through the ceiling, scanning the area for any enemies.

"Which ghost is it this time?" Danny questioned quietly.

A whirring noise grabbed Danny's attention, and he ducked before being hit by a flying ecto-gun shot.

"We have you now, Phantom!" Jack exclaimed in triumph.

"Oh no," Danny muttered dejectedly. "Mom and Dad..."

Danny zoomed off in the direction his ghost sense was pulling him, his Mom screaming at him.

"Come back here, ghost scum!"

Danny ignored her, continuing to fly in the direction of the ghost.


Rin strolled through Amity, surveying the seemingly normal city.

People bustled about, mostly adults since teens and kids were in school at this hour.

Rin, though he didn't want to admit it, was excited about the prospect of a different universe.

This dimension's ghosts were different from the ones exorcists in his world took care of, but they were still ghosts, and Rin was sure he could handle himself against one if need be, even without his flames.

That was the other thing. He'd been forced to train his combat skills without using his flames, since there was always a chance he'd have to fight in front of someone who didn't know his secret. Yukio encouraged it enough before, but Rin hadn't really doted on the subject much until he realized how defenseless he was without his flames after his battle with Satan.

Rin heard a slight whirring sound with his enhanced demon hearing, looking up to see some type of robot.

It looked male. He had a few weapons on him, but Rin suspected he had more than just the visible ones stowed away. He was tall and bulky with green eyes and a flaming green Mohawk and goatee.

The ghost robot spoke in a deep voice. "Where is the ghost child?"

"Right here, metal head!" An echoing voice mocked.

Rin turned his head to see Danny in his ghost form. He had his fists up, blazing with green energy and ready to battle.

"Don't you ever give up?" Danny rolled his eyes. "I mean, seriously, Skulker! You're never going to catch me! It's just not what destiny has in store for you."

"Your destiny is being the pelt at the foot of my bed, whelp!" Skulker roared.

Skulker activated two cannons from his shoulders and shot them, sending two large, green blasts at Danny.

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