A Sassy King and Daddy Issues

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Rin could smell Vlad's scent before Danny's.

Vlad Masters was close by, but his scent was farther into the sky, signaling that he was in his ghost form and flying, most likely.

Danny's wasn't too far behind, and Rin was pretty sure the ghost boy was after the man, or at the very least had sensed him a short time before and came to see what ghost was causing trouble this time.

"Kuro, hide! Danny and Vlad are nearing!" Rin told his cat.

Kuro didn't respond with anything except a loyal nod, bounding off just seconds afterward.

Despite Danny and Vlad being half ghost, they were still human, and Rin knew Danny a bit more in his human form. If Danny or Vlad were to see Kuro, things were going to go down hill far quicker than Rin had anticipated.

Rin was about to follow Kuro, just to get out of Danny's way when the kid battled Vlad, but fate had other plans.

"And what are you doing here, boy? You shouldn't be out here." Vlad's voice echoed behind him.

Rin scowled to himself, facing away from Vlad.

Rin turned around to face Vlad, and Rin could tell the man was slightly bewildered at the fact that he didn't run once he got a full view of the ghost.

"Uh, taking a nature walk? Ever heard of it? Besides, it's not like I have to do what you tell me. I can be here if I want to be," Rin sassed.

The man's anger rose. "The name's Vlad Plasmius. If you're smart, you'll run."

Rin snorted. "Vlad Plasmius? Seriously? And whoever said I was smart? Maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm just as smart as you."

"Are you calling me stupid?" Vlad raised a brow, incredulous about the implied insult.

"If I am? What're you gonna do? Bite me, Mr. Vampire?" Rin laughed, grinning.

"Says you." Vlad eyed the boy, remembering his abnormally sharp canines.

Before Vlad could respond, Danny swooped in from the tree tops, eyes widening.

"Ri-I mean, leave that kid alone, Plasmius!" Danny ordered.

Rin would have laughed at Danny's failed attempt to cover up his obvious panic, but he was too busy grinning at Vlad like a child who just won a bet.

"Daniel," Vlad replied smoothly.

"What are you doing here, Vlad? What business do you have with him?" Danny demanded.

"I just ran into him is all," Vlad hummed. "but I don't deny that he is very interesting."

"I'm standing right here, you know," Rin chimed, "Seriously, I'm like way too young for you, dude."

"That is not what I meant, and you know it!" Vlad spluttered angrily, losing his composure.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I am an idiot, after all." Rin grinned cheekily.

"Why you-" Vlad's hand lit up pink, but was cut off by a green blast hitting Vlad in the chest and sending him flying.

"Go!" Danny ordered.

Rin jerked a bit, not wanting to leave the half ghost alone, but decided against arguing and ran off to find Kuro and go back to Lizzy's.


Danny phased through Sam's window and landed on the floor as a white ring washed over him, turning him human.

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