School and Psychotic Teens

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The journey home was not too long, despite the fact that he had been halfway across the world as of then.

Rin quietly snuck through the window, breathing a sigh of relief when no loud noise was made. Kuro balanced on Rin's shoulder, surveying the room for any sign of life and/or movement.

The two demons slowly made their way upstairs and to bed, glad that they had made it back safely.


When Rin awoke, he was met with the feeling of someone choking him.

Of course, it was impossible to panic because the person choking him was crying out in relief, and they were none other than Lizzy.

"Lizzy, you're choking me," Rin rasped out.

The woman quickly let go of him, but gripped his shoulders. "Never scare me like that again! Leaving like that was unnecessary and rash! Where did you go? Are you hurt? You are in so much trouble!"

Rin couldn't help but laugh at the internal conflict Lizzy was struggling with. "I'm fine, Lizzy. You worry too much. Besides, I found what I was looking for, so that's a plus."

"What were you even looking for?" Lizzy asked once she'd calmed down some.

"The first step to take me home," Rin replied, "That's all."

Lizzy knew she would get nothing else out of him.


Rin furrowed his eyebrows at the disk. It was almost like some sort of tracker, glowing brighter the closer it got to him. He figured it was connected to his heritage, AKA Satan, to be more precise.

The disk seemed to react to the hell fire rather well, and Rin knew that this artifact in itself would be important in the near future for getting him home.

How he knew was beyond him.

How exactly it helped in getting him home...

Rin didn't have so much as a clue.


"Lizzy, this is mental," Rin said.

"Mental?" She asked, "I think it's very fair. You are still a teenager, Rin. It's against the law not to send you to school, and I don't have time to home school you with my job. Besides, I'm not the most qualified person for the task, anyway."

"What about my job?" Rin stressed. "I work everyday of the week, excluding Saturdays and Sundays."

"I am your boss," Lizzy said, "I'm sure I can cut your time down to after school or just the weekends."

"I don't like school. People are mean and it's no fun, especially when everyone hates you. I was made fun of, and the kids call me a demon. Even teachers agreed." Rin frowned.

Lizzy sighed. "Well, this is your chance to start fresh. Nobody knows you. You can create your own image, a new one, a better one, the real one. Whoever thought you were a demon obviously never saw you for who you really were."

Rin nodded, and the conversation was over, but Lizzy's voice rung in his head.

"You can create your own image, a new one, a better one, the real one. Whoever thought you were a demon obviously never saw you for who you really were."

Lizzy just didn't get it, not that she could. He'd been lying to her ever since he met her.

Rin wore masks all the time to protect himself. The real Rin was only shown to the people he trusted with his life. Rin wouldn't trust anyone but Kuro, Yukio, and his friends.

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